This heresy taught that secret knowledge was necessary for salvation.
This man founded Marcionism and rejected most of the Bible.
This heresy falsely taught that all material things, including flesh, were evil.
A teacher says Jesus wasn’t fully God but was the highest creation of God.
This Church term means "right teaching" and is the opposite of heresy.
This heresy said the Old Testament God (Demiurge) was different from Jesus’ God.
This man started Manichaeism and tricked St. Augustine.
This heresy wrongly claimed that Jesus only appeared to suffer and die.
A preacher claims that sinners and apostates can never be forgiven.
The Church countered Nestorianism by defining Jesus as one person in two natures, called this.
(Hypostatic Union)
This heresy taught that Jesus had a human body but no human mind or will.
This man founded Montanism and preached apocalyptic messages.
This heresy falsely stated that Christ’s divine nature swallowed up His human nature.
A religious leader refuses to call Mary “Mother of God,” only “Mother of Christ.”
The Church rejected Monothelitism by affirming Jesus had these two distinct aspects.
(Two wills: human and divine)
This heresy said Jesus was two separate persons and denied Mary as Theotokos.
This priest in the 300s taught that Jesus was not truly God.
This heresy denied that Jesus had both a human and divine will.
A new Christian group teaches that salvation depends only on self-effort, not grace.
Christians rejoiced when this title for Mary was upheld by the Church.
This heresy denied original sin and claimed humans could be saved without grace.
This English monk denied original sin and human dependence on grace.
This heresy wrongly claimed that sacraments performed by sinful clergy were invalid.
A movement insists that Christians must pick and choose which Bible books to follow.
This 313 AD edict finally granted religious freedom to Christians, reducing heretical divisions.
(Edict of Milan)