Invention that improved transportation & pottery making
skilled craftsman
According to the Bible what existed before the flood?
In order to control floods
the Sumerians built levees
Mesopotamians practiced polytheism, the bible teaches...
that there is only ONE God.
The worship of many gods
Emperor of the Akkadian Empire
Sargon I
The Tigris and Euphrates river provided fertile what?
The Sumerians relied on priests to what
gain the favor of the gods
Mesopotamians believed that the earth was born of the sea and surrounded on all side, the Bible teaches...
that God created the heavens & earth in 6 days
a way of supplying water to land or crops
Received God's judgment and became like a beast of the field
The Fertile crescent spanned from the mediterranean sea to where
persian gulf
Why were scribes important
because they kept records for merchants, the temple, and the government.
Mesopotamians believed that man was created to serve gods and provide them with food, clothing and shelter. The Bible teaches...
that man was created in God's image to have dominion over the earth and to glorify God alone.
A long poem that tells the story of a hero
King of the Amorites who collected 282 laws
What made job specialization possible for Sumerian Farmers
Food Surplus
What are the 3 Sumerian architectural features?
domes, columns, and arches
Mesopotamians believed that only priests could communicate with gods. The Bible teaches...
that God's ears are open to all righteous men's prayers.
Improved record keeping and made literature possible
Turned away from evil ways after Jonah preached repentance and received God's mercy
Assyrian Empire
Asia minor is a peninsula between the mediterranean sea and the what?
Black Sea
Mesopotamians had statues of gods. The Bible says...
not to make idols or any graven image.