When was HaU de CSUN established?
October 3rd, 2003
What is the most popular major at CSUN?
The official mascot for Cheetos brand snacks is named?
Chester Cheetah
Which state has the largest Spanish speaking population?
Name that movie
What year was HaU founded?
What year was CSUN founded?
What South American country has won the most FIFA WORLD CUP title?
Soon to be the first Afro Latina face on a U.S. quarter, who is known as the queen of salsa?
Celia Cruz
Is a pumpkin a fruit or a vegetable?
How many chapters are currently active?
What was the recent rank for CSUN amongst public universities in California, according to the Wall Street Journal?
What is Bad Bunny’s most streamed song?
Me Porto Bonito
What is the world's longest mountain range, located in South America?
The Andes Mountains
What is the original purpose of a jack o’ lantern?
Ward off Evil Spirits
When did HaU achieve it’s non-profit status?
What was the name of our school before it became California State University, Northridge (CSUN)?
San Fernando Valley State College
This Chilean-born actor won “Best Hero” at the recent 2023 MTV Movie & TV awards.
Pedro Pascal
What is the smallest country in Central America?
El Salvador
Controversially candy corn is often labeled the worst Halloween candy, what is the color order from top to bottom for this tri colored candy.
White, orange, yellow
What year was the alumni association founded?
There are approximately how many trees in the CSUN Orange Grove?
During her most recent tour the mute challenge was done as Beyoncé performed what song?
This country is home to their national animal: the llama, Salteñas, and the world's largest salt flats.
These are the 4 spices that make up pumpkin spice:
Cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, and dry ginger
What are the names of the people who founded HaU de CSUN?
Evelyn Torres & Eva Castaneda
What percent of CSUN students are first generation?
Term used to describe those who spend a significant time online, often to the point where their personality revolves around internet memes, culture, and slang
Chronically online (extremely or terminally online also accepted)
What is the most common dialect of spanish?
If someone has phasmophobia, what do they fear?