This Hero blinded the cyclops Polyphemus.
Who is Odysseus?
This Heroine deceived her suitors by weaving a tapestry, claiming that she would marry once it was finished, only to unweave it at night.
Who is Penelope?
This Goddess assisted many Heroes, especially with the construction of the Trojan Horse and the Argo.
Who is Athena?
This Gorgon could turn people into stone just by looking at her.
Who is Medusa?
This great musician and prophet failed to retrieve his beloved from the clutches of Hades.
Who is Orpheus?
This Hero cleaned the stables of Augeus in just a single day.
Who is Heracles?
This Heroine was considered the most beautiful woman in the world, and was Paris's prize.
Who is Helen (of Troy)?
This princess displays her powerful abilities as a sorcerer, assisting in a Hero's quest for the Golden Fleece (and then marries him!).
Who is Medea?
This enchantress turned Odysseus's crew into pigs.
Who is Circe?
This God of earthquakes is the primary antagonist of The Odyssey, causing many of Odysseus's delays.
Who is Poseidon/Neptune?
This Hero went on a sailing trip with some buddies to retrieve the Golden Fleece.
Who is Jason?
This swift-footed Heroine drew first blood in the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Who is Atalanta?
This creature helped the Hero Bellerophon slay the Chimera.
Who/What is Pegasus?
This Queen of Mycenae killed her husband for sacrificing their daughter.
Who is Clytemnestra?
This God was chained to a rock and had his liver devoured by an eagle every day for giving the gift of fire to humans (among other things).
Who is Prometheus?
This Hero rescued Andromeda from a sea monster.
Who is Perseus?
In the Sophocles play, this Heroine seeks to give a proper burial to her brother, Polynices.
Who is Antigone?
This princess helped Theseus slay the Minotaur and escape Crete.
Who is Ariadne?
This king devised Heracles's Twelve Labors.
Who is Eurystheus?
This Goddess orchestrated the Judgement of Paris by making him choose the fairest of the Goddesses.
Who is Eris?
This Hero was hidden amongst the daughters of Lycomedes on Skyros, going by the name Pyrrha.
Who is Achilles?
This Heroine avenges her father, who was murdered by her mother, by supporting her brother in murdering their mother.
Who is Electra?
This nephew of a Hero figured out how to defeat the Lernaean Hydra.
Who is Iolaus?
This King of Seriphos demanded that Perseus retrieve the head of a certain Gorgon.
Who is Polydectes?
This nymph was transformed into a laurel tree to escape the advances of Apollo.
Who is Daphne?