This stage starts off the Hero's Journey
What is Ordinary World?
This is Elie Wiesel's Crossing The Threshold
What is leaving the Ghetto?
This is the stage that most short stories often leave out.
What is the Return?
This stage occurs after the ordeal.
What is Reward/Return
This is Okonkwo's Approach
What is being exiled in Mbanta?
What is the Story Circle?
This stage is a break in normal plot in the Hero's Journey.
What is the Approach?
This is the approach in The Odyssey
What is Hades?
This is the creator of the Hero's Journey
Who is Joseph Campbell?
This is the 4th stage of the Hero's Journey.
What is Mentor/Helper?
These two texts we've read this semester had no return. (Not Short Stories.)
What is Things Fall Apart and Othello?
When was the Hero's Journey book first written (within 5 years).
When is 1949?
What is The Ordinary world, Call to Adventure, Refusal, Mentor, Crossing the Threshold, Tests/Allies/Enemies, Approach, Ordeal, Reward, Road Back, Atonement, Return.
What is the return for Julian in Flannery O'Connors Short story "Everything That Rises Must Converge"
What is "Always meet sin with mercy."
This famous movie maker closely used a template of the Hero's Journey to design this movie Franchise.
Who is George Lucas?