(H) What shape is DNA?
What is a double helix?
(S) What enzyme is used to unzip a DNA molecule?
What is DNA polymerase?
(E) What is the term to remember nitrogenous bases? (you can come up with your own)
What is All Tigers Can Growl or others?
(K) Ryan was sitting in class when he noticed that his friends all had different hair colors. Some had blonde hair, Ayushman had black hair, and DiDonato had brown hair, like him. Curious, Ryan asked his teacher why everyone’s hair was different. His teacher explained that hair color is determined by DNA, which we inherit from our parents. Ryan started wondering: If DNA decides hair color, does it also decide what his favorite food is?
No, it doesn’t. Ryan’s favorite food would be determined by his experiences, like places he’s been. For example, Mexico, Italy, and China.
(K) What is the function of DNA?
What is it stores genetic information needed for an organism to develop and reproduce
(H) How does DNA replication occur?
What is different enzymes split apart the DNA and generates complementary parts to match them, thus creating two identical strands
(H) What are the nitrogenous bases and which connect to which?
What is Adenine - Thymine, Guanine - Cytosine?
(E) Adriana sat in the cafeteria, looking around at her classmates. She noticed that some of them could roll their tongues into a tube, while others couldn’t. She tried it herself—and it worked! Her friend Juliaanki, sitting next to her, tried but couldn’t do it. “How come you can do that, but I can’t?” he asked. Adriana thought about it for a moment. She remembered reading that some traits, like tongue rolling, are linked to DNA. But then she wondered—if it’s in our DNA, does that mean everyone in her family can do it too? Or could some family members have different abilities? What do you think?
Some people in Adriana’s family may be able to roll their tongue, but all of them may not be able to. This ability is influenced by DNA, but it may not be a dominant trait. Therefore, some family members could have different abilities.
(S) What makes up a nucleotide?
What is a nitrogenous base, a phosphate, and a sugar
(E) What are the specific names of the processes when DNA replication is required?
What are Mitosis and Meiosis?
(S) What is the backbone of the DNA?
What is Phosphate and sugar?
(H) Vivaan was curious why he had brown eyes, but his brother had green eyes. Help him figure it out! (No, he’s not adopted.)
Chromosomes have varying combinations when parents reproduce, so he probably got his eyes from his mom/dad and his brother from the other parent.
(E) The phosphates on the sides of DNA (that twist like a ladder) are pointed in opposite directions. Therefore, DNA is considered _____________.
What is antiparallel?
(K) During DNA replication, the two strands are copied in opposite directions. The strand that is built continuously is called this, while the strand built in short fragments is called this.
What is leading strand and lagging strand?
(K) What are nitrogenous bases made of?
What are Carbon and nitrogen atoms?
(S) Sai is eating a hot dog with ketchup and determines that the flavors complement each other perfectly. When he is in science class, he learns that the nitrogenous bases complement each other. After examining a DNA strand, the first eight combinations are ATCGTACG. What will its complementary base be? 🌭