The 3 events in the violent revolts phase
What are the Storming of the Bastille, the Great Fear, and the Women's March on Versailles
True or False
Napoleon took over the government in a violent coup, supported by his army
What is false?
Steps of the putting out system, and why it was used
What is capitalistic merchants giving raw materials to rural families to be collected as finished goods later on, and what is to avoid guilds?
Fill in the blank
The steam engine was created because of the shift in energy sources from ____ power to _____ power
what is wood/charcoal, what is coal
The 4 possible types of SAQs you need to be prepared for
What are primary sources, secondary sources, comparisons, and ccot questions?
Specific details of the Le Chapelier Law, and the social class which it primarily benefited
What is the abolition of guilds and domestic tariffs, benefiting the middle class
The way Napoleon initially gained renown/respect from the government
What is defending the National Convention from the revolts of the urban poor?
Mercantilism and its relationship with trade balance
What is mercantilism's endorsement of colonization, especially the import of raw materials from the colony to the mother country. This meant that the mother country was self-sufficient, not having to import from other nations, thus ensuring a positive trade balance.
2 reasons why the first wave of machines (spinning jenny, power loom, etc.) couldn't work with the cottage industry
What was the fact that they were too bulky, and the fact that they required a different power source?
The basic answer format for a source based question
What is:
Answering the question
Describing something from the source
Describing a piece of your own historical knowledge
Connecting your historical knowledge to whatever you identified from the source
The big 3 Enlightenment philosophes and their ideal form of government
Who are Voltaire, Rousseau, and Montesquieu
Voltaire: enlightened absolutism
Rousseau: direct democracy
Montesquieu: constitutional monarchy w/ checks and balances (monarch, parliament, and independent courts)
Details of the continental system, and the reason why it failed
What is Napoleon's plan to crush Britain economically by blocking its trade with Europe, and what is Britain's counter-blockade and Napoleon's allies not following through with the plan?
3 reasons why marriage age went down in the latter 18th century
What is:
people moving to towns means less control by village elders
growth of the cottage industry and its increased income meant people had to wait less to become self-sufficient
working for your own wages led to economic autonomy, which led to freedom of action
3 agents of industrialization for continental Europe
In a CCOT question or a comparison question, the general format for the "analyze a factor responsible for the change/difference" style question
What is:
1. identifying the change/difference (already written about in your previous question)
2. describing the factor
3. explaining how the factor would cause the change/difference
The voting and governmental structure detailed in the Constitution of 1795
What is a voting chain where the higher up you go, the more land you have to own in order to vote?
What is a legislative assembly made up of council of elders + council of 500, and what is the directory?
3 ways in which Napoleon exhibited the traits of an Enlightened ruler
What is promoting education, creating a meritocracy through scholarships, allowing for increased freedom of religion, abolishing serfdom, and creating equality under the law?
The 4 major features of the agricultural revolution. Bonus +50 if you can give specific examples of how each feature was achieved.
What are increased yields, more farmland, improved climate, and more/bigger livestock?
4 disadvantages that continental Europe had compared to Britain that slowed their industrialization
What are internal tariffs, lack of efficient transportation, guilds, less adventurous entrepreneurs, and instability due to Napoleon's rule
The score out of 3 this would receive, and the reason why.
Prompt: Describe a difference between the Dutch Golden Age and The Spanish Golden Age.
The primary difference between Spanish and Dutch golden age was the strength of their middle classes. While the Dutch had a strong middle class, the Spanish had a very weak one. The weakness of the Spanish middle class can be traced back to the Spanish inquisition and the Reconquista, as the non-Catholics who were forced out of Spain made up a large portion of the Spanish merchant class. Due to this, there was a distinct lack of capitalistic and entrepreneurial spirit in the Spanish middle class, leading them to fall behind in manufacturing.
What is 2/3, and what is insufficient description of the middle class in the Netherlands?
All of the governing bodies formed between the Estates-General and Napoleon, ordered chronologically.
What is the national assembly, legislative assembly, national convention, committee of public safety, national convention again, legislative assembly + directory
All of Napoleon's military defeats
Defeat in Egypt, defeated by the British navy in Battle of Trafalgar (which convinced him to implement the continental system), defeated by the Spanish using guerrilla tactics after he displanted their king, failed invasion of Russia, Second Napoleonic War, battle of Waterloo
5 reasons for the 18th century population explosion
What are better diets making people more disease resistant, the introduction of new staple foods (๐ฅ), improved transportation allowing for the wider dispersion of foods, more food meaning cheaper food prices, less destructive wars, the disappearance of the Bubonic plague, and improved sanitation in towns and cities?
Explanation of "separate spheres," and 2 acts that beget it
What is the separation of responsibilities between men and women in urban life, with men being the factory-working breadwinners and women tending to domestic affairs. What are the Mines act of 1842, the 10 Hours act of 1847, and the Factory Act of 1833?
The score out of 3 this received, and the reason why.
Prompt: Analyze one factor responsible for the intellectual development reflected in source 2
Context: 2 primary sources, the first one attributes earthquakes to the wrath of God, the second one attributes earthquakes to natural processes
One factor responsible for the idea that everything in our world can be observed by natural causes was Newtonโs discovery of gravity. His understanding of gravity first put in the idea that our universe is governed by laws, which in turn led to the mechanistic worldview. Because our universe is governed by functions, they must be able to be observed. If they are to be observed properly, men can live in perfect harmony with nature and the universe, driving Enlightenment scholars like Leclerc to explain as much as they can about the world.
What is 1/3, what is the failure to identify the intellectual development before identifying the factor that caused it, and what is the lack of reference to the source?