When was Tuskegee University founded?
What is July 4th, 1881?
This military officer was the first African American four-star general in U.S. Armed Forces history. Hint: He has a building on campus named after him.
Who is Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.?
The band performed at this event in 2024, the largest African American gathering in Texas.
What is the National Battle of the Bands?
What position did Dr. Washington have at Tuskegee?
What is the first president?
What college did Doc go to?
What is Florida A&M University?
This person was the first female president of the school.
Who is Dr. Charlotte P. Morris?
This famous music artist is a member of the Marching Crimson Pipers and 70s group, the Commodores. Hint: Hello
The oldest HBCU band was established in what year?
What is 1894?
What is the birthday of Dr. Washington?
What is April, 5th, 1956?
What instrument does Doc play?
What is a tuba?
The school donated land for this first all black federal hospital.
What is Tuskegee V.A. Hospital?
This person is a famous morning radio show personality known for his prank calls.
Who is Rickey Smiley?
The current directors of the band program?
Who are Dr. Nicholas and Mr. Oglesby?
Booker. T Washington went to this HBCU in Virginia.
What is Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (now Hampton University)?
Who did Doc go to high school with?
Who is Mr. Oglesby?
What was the first name of the school?
What is Tuskegee Normal School for Colored Teachers?
This aerospace engineer invented the Super Soaker, one of the best selling toys since 1989.
Who is Lonnie Johnson?
This person was the longtime director of the band from 1976-2015, graduate of Florida A&M University, and member of Kappa Kappa Psi.
Who is Warren L. Duncan?
What is the name of the autobiography Dr. Washington wrote?
What is Up From Slavery?
No lazy tongue on the...
What is deet deet deet?
This person is a former slave who helped found the school. Hint: They have a building named after them on campus. NOT Booker T.
Who is Lewis Adams?
This person was a student at Tuskegee University who died trying to desegregate a whites-only restroom. They were a member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Hint: They have a building named after them on campus.
Who is Sammy Younge Jr.?
This band director at Tuskegee Institute went on to Florida A&M College, eventually creating the Marching 100.
Dr. Washington delivered this speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia.
What is the Atlanta Compromise?
Why is he called Mr. Two-Six?
What is because he's the 26th to do it?