Why are level of supervisions in place for the individuals?
For safety reasons and to be proactive in reducing challenging behaviors.
Why are behavior support plans important to follow?
Consistency with using positive interventions and supporting the individuals to help reduce challenging behaviors from occurring.
What should staff be aware of during audits?
Staff should follow plans/protocols as they were trained. Staff should be professional and only answer the questions asked by the auditors.
Why is behavior documentation important?
Behavior Documentation helps with gathering information for the BIS to develop more effective Behavior Plans and for the BIS to advocate for other supports needed for the individuals
(Higher level of supervision, SCIP-R interventions, medication changes)
Where can staff find information about the individuals?
Staff action plans, Lifeplans, Behavior plans, diet order, LOS charts etc
Where will you learn more about a person's level of supervision
Life Plans, Staff action plans, Behavior plans, and LOS charts in program rooms
When can SCIP-R interventions be used?
As specified in the Behavior Plans and in emergency situations when the individuals safety is at risk.
How should staff interact with the individual's during audits?
Using person centered communication and positive therapeutic tone. Staff should provide choices and be supportive of the individuals.
BIS or Program Developer
How should staff interact with the individuals?
Using a Person centered and positive communication/tone.
What is the level of supervision which entails keeping a visual sight on the individual at all times?
Range of Scan or Sight
What are two types of interventions in a behavior plan?
Proactive and Reactive
What needs to be available to all individuals during audits?
Activities, tasks, and community outings ( with enough staffing)
What are the important components when documenting behavior data?
Frequency and duration of behaviors
What interventions can staff use during power struggles with the individuals?
Avoid going back and forth with the individuals, provide choices, and use planned ignoring when needed
Is not following a level of supervision in place a form of abuse? If Yes, what kind of abuse?
Yes, It is neglect
What are examples of Proactive interventions?
If staff have concerns/issues not concerning the individuals should they speak to an auditor about this?
No, issues and concerns should be addressed with their supervisors.
If a new or historic behavior is occurring again for an individual Where should this information be documented?
ABC chart.
Is it okay to use restrictive interventions with the individuals?
Only when specified in the behavior plans and approved by the human rights committee.
If another staff member is not following the level of supervision for the individual what should you do?
Ensure the individual is safe, Remind staff of the LOS for the individual. Speak to supervisor and BIS about the staff.
What happens when staff do not follow all steps of the behavior plans?
It increases challenging behaviors and makes it harder for other staff members to redirect the individuals who are following the behavior plan.
If an auditor asks a questions you don't know an answer to, what can you do?
Use your resources! LOS charts, Staff Action Plans, Behavior plans, and diet orders are all in the program rooms. Coworkers can support also.
When documenting behavior data on data sheets and Therap what other information needs to be included?
Staff interventions: Redirection (Verbal, gestural, etc.) Calming techniques and SCIP- R Interventions used.
How can staff develop a therapeutic relationship with the individuals?
Knowing their Interests, dislikes and likes