Food Safety
Home safety
Meal and cooking
Tools and Equipment

Differentiate contamination and cross contamination 

Contamination is becoming infected by harmful bacteria while cross contamination is when bacteria from food spreads to another food or hand to food contact


What is a hazard

A hazard is any source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone.


Define the multi-mix principle, list them all, and explain them.

multimix meal is choosing two or more different food groups to make a nutritious meal. Double mix is choosing 2 food groups to make a nutritious meal. Triple mix is choosing 3 food groups to make a nutritious meal. Quadri mix is choosing 4 food groups to make a nutritious meal


What is clothing 

 Clothing is any article we place on our body to protect, beautify or adorn it


Differentiate between a tool and an equipment

A tool is a handheld implement used to complete tasks while an equipment is a larger item in a fixed position and servers the purpose of minimizing time and labour 


What is food Safety and say the four steps to food safety 

Food Safety is the scientific discipline of handling preparing and storing of food to prevent food borne illnesses.  The 4 steps to food safety is clean separate cook chill


What is safety

Safety is managing and preventing situations that can result in hurt, injury, or loss. 

the condition of being protected from danger, risk, or injury.


What are the 3 ways food items are grouped?

By their origin, chemical composition and their predominant function


What are the 3 steps to planning an effective wardrobe 

Evaluate your lifestyle, start with simple and basic clothing and lastly use basic colors for your clothing items 


What are the 6 groups of tools and equipment for food preparation and serving

Lifting and turning, weighing and measuring, cutting and chopping, baking, top of range cooking and cleaning up


List 3 reasons why food Safety is important 

* It prevents the risk of consumers  receiving food borne illnesses

* It prevents consumers from developing risks of health related conditions such as allergy and death 

* It prevents food processing establishment from product recalls which results in financial losses due to unsafe products 


What is the sequence stated for starting a fire on the stove at home?

strike,turn, ignite


What should be considered when choosing what method of cooking to use? List the methods of cooking and explain them

food to be cooked, amount of preparation, time available, individual's preferences, facilities available and needs of the individual being catered for. The methods of cooking are: 

Dry: heat applied directly to food

Moist: heat applied through the medium of liquid

Microwave: heat generated by electromagnetic waves

Frying: heat applied through the medium of fats or oils


Define wardrobe, accessories, working wardrobe, wardrobe planning, wardrobe inventory, fashion, style, fad, classic and multi purpose 

Wardrobe is any clothing and accessories you own to wear. Accessories is anything you wear to accentuate your clothing. Working wardrobe is when you can find clothes easily every day to wear. Wardrobe planning is any strategy or formula made for meet our clothing needs. Wardrobe inventory is handling your wardrobe so future shopping and wearing will be easier. Fashion is the current mode of dressing for one or more years. Style is the current fashionable way of dressing. Fad is a short lived fashion. Classic is a style that remains in fashion. Multi purpose is when clothing is able to be worn in different ways to suit our clothing needs


Name the 6 groups of sewing tools and equipment 

Sewing, pressing, measuring, cutting, marking and miscellaneous


List and spell all 5 types of food contamination and state their symptoms and preventions

Salmonella- symptoms are severe headaches, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea and fever  and preventions are cooking at 140°, wash raw food thoroughly and keeping hands, counters, utensils clean

Staphylococcal- symptoms are mild vomiting, diarrhea and cramps. Prevention are destroy toxins in food by boiling for several hours or pressure cooking

Perfringens- symptoms are nasuea without vomiting,  diarrhea, acute inflammation of stomach and intestines and you prevent this by using proper serving and storing temperatures refrigerate meat, gravies and casseroles 

Botulism-  symptoms are double vision, inability to swallow and respiratory paralysis. Prevention includes never eating food from a bulging, damaged or leaking can 

E.coli(escherichia)- symptoms are bloody diarrhea, cramps/ in elderly or infants red blood cell destruction and kidney failure. Prevention cook all meat thoroughly (160°), keep raw meat separate from other foods, drink pasteurized milk, wash fruit and vegetables and do not swallow lake or pool water


List 11 Safety issues

Older adults, children, pets, electrical appliances, kitchen , garage, fire, earthquake, slips, trips & falls chemicals, food safety


Define meal patterns

Meal patterns are used to describe an individual's eating patterns at the level of a meal


List all the steps to planning a working wardrobe

Take out all clothing from drawers and closets. Try them on to see what still fits and what needs reparing. Sort out what can be worn and record them. Mix and match. Identify your clothing needs for those that cannot match and lasty record them based on their category

Give examples of tools and equipment for Sewing, pressing, measuring, cutting, marking and miscellaneous 

Domestic and industrial sewing machine, needles, iron, ironing board, sleeve board, tailor's ham, seam roll, pressing cloth, pressing mit, point turner, tape measure, metre stick/ yard stick, ruler, L ruler, French curve, skirt marker, Shears, scissors,seam ripper, tracing wheel, tailor's chalk, dressmakers pencil, pin, pin cushion, thimble, needle threader, beeswax


List all 5 types of food contamination and say what causes them and what they are found in 

Salmonella-  caused by eating contaminated food or being in contact with human and animal carriers. It is found in poultry, fried foods and dairy products

Staphylococcal- Tramsitted from humans who carry bacteria or grows in food and producs heat resistant toxins. It is found in custards, egg salads, potato salads, salami and ham 

Perfringens- caused by spores growing in the abscene of oxygen and it is found in stews, soups or gravies made from poultry or red meat

Botulism- caused by spores producing bacteria growing in the abscene of oxygen and improper canned food. It is found in canned, low acid foods and smoked fish 

E.coli (escherichia)- caused by ingesting contaminated food or water or being in contact with a human or animal carrier. It is found in ground beef, contaminated water, unpasteurized milk and contaminated persons


List the 3 common causes of home injuries and give two examples of what can prevent these

Slips & falls- even surfaces & hand rails

Fire & Burns: Smoke Alarms, fire drills

Poisoning- Keep chemicals in original containers and store them at places children cannot reach


What are the  9 things to consider in menu writing?

1/ Dishes should be written in the order they will be served 

2/ Food should be written with their preparation method in past tense

3/ In the main course, the main dish should be in the first line followed by the starch dish and then the salad dish with other acccompaniments

4/ Dishes should be written in their initial capital letters

5/ Dishes should be appropriate for the occasion at which the meal is served

6/ Beverages are optional so they should be written in the last line

7/ Items must vary in colour, texture, flavor and temperature

8/ All raw vegetables must be accompanied by a dressing

9/ All protein items prepared by the dry cooking method should be accompanied by a sauce


What are the reasons for wearing clothes 

modesty, protection, uniform for identification, status, insignias and decoration 


Give examples of tools and equipment for lifting and turning, weighing and measuring, cutting and chopping, baking, top of range cooking and cleaning up

Food lifter, spoon, scale, measuring cups, measuring spoons, knife, kitchen spears, cutting board, muffin tins, mixing bowls, spatula, pots, double boiler, bottle brush and dishwasher
