Effects with alcohol
Mental and emotional consequences
Pregnancy testing
signs of pregnancy
True or false

In which trimester is the most important to not drink or have alcohol?

1st trimester


Can pregnancy affect mental health?

Sometimes, depression or anxiety can happen during pregnancy


Do you have to pee on a pregnancy test?

Most people take a pregnancy test at home using their pee. However, you can also take a pregnancy test at your provider's office using a blood sample or pee.


How early can symptoms start?

 one to two weeks after


True or false

US teen birth rates have continued to decline since 1991

True, Birth rate have declined By 78% from 1991-2021.


What can happen to the fetus if you have alcohol?

Stillborn or miscarriage


Can pregnancy cause emotional breakdown?

Around one in eight women experience depression or anxiety when they're pregnant


What happens if you get 2 lines on the pregnancy test?

It means your pregnant


what are 2 pregnancy symptoms in 1st TRIMESTER?

Tender and/or swollen breasts, Upset stomach with or without vomiting, more urination, fatigue, food cravings and dislikes, heartburn, and/or constipation.


True or false

Teen pregnancy is easy on families.

It depends on the family, some families are happy and it is easy and on others it is really hard for other families. 


Does your body reject alcohol when pregnant?

Your body will likely attempt to reject alcohol


What are the 2 mental illnesses that can be caused by pregnancy?

Depression and anxiety 


What not to do before taking a pregnancy test?

Don't skip the instructions, don't take the test too early, don't check the result too soon, don't drink too much water or fluid before taking the test, don't forget to check the expiration date.


what are 2 of the symptoms of pregnancy in the 2nd TRIMESTER?

Growing belly and breasts, Braxton Hicks contractions, skin changes, Nasal problems, dental issues, dizziness, leg cramps, vaginal discharge.


True or false 

Everyone in the 1st trimester gets morning sickness.

False, 3 out of 10 pregnant women don't experience morning sickness


How does alcohol affect child development?

It can negatively impact on your child's problem solving skills and performance at school as well as potentially affecting their body, mood and mental health


What are the psychological effects of unwanted pregnancy?

Higher levels of fearfulness and lower levels of positive affect


Should I dip my pregnancy test or pee on it?

Most people prefer peeing directly on a midstream test, but there are people who prefer to dip the test in a cup of urine. Test strips, on the other hand, are not designed to be peed on directly.


What are 2 of the symptoms of pregnancy in 3rd TRIMESTER?

Acid reflux (heartburn), Haemorrhoids, Shortness of breath, breast tenderness, protruding belly button, difficulty sleeping, Swelling in your fingers, face and ankles.


True or false

3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20



How much alcohol can affect the fetus?

There is no safe amount of alcohol during pregnancy


What can happen in the postpartum stage?

Depression, fatigue, or Hemorrhage


How long do you have to wait when you do a home pregnancy test result?

3 minutes (it can also depend on the test)


What are 2 symptoms of pregnancy during postpartum?

Missed periods, exhaustion, frequent Urination, morning Sickness, sore Breasts, implantation bleeding.


True or false

Parenthood isn't one of the leading reasons that teen girls drop out of school

False, more than 50% of teen mothers never graduate from high school.
