Main Idea / Details
Mixed Bag

The girl came back into the house, panting. "I ran as fast as I could and I yelled for the driver to wait for me! I even dropped my bookbag because i was running so fast!"

What is she missed the bus?


As Kammi woke up, she remembered that it was the morning of her birthday. She was giddy with excitement as she thought about all the things she was going to do that day.

Using context clues to help you, what does "giddy" mean in this passage?

  1. disappointed
  2. thrilled
  3. nervous
  4. worried

What is thrilled. (2)


Playing Games

Patty loves to play games. Her favorite game is chess because it requires a great deal of thought. Patty also likes to play less demanding board games that are based mostly on luck. She prefers Monopoly because it requires luck and skill. if she's alone, Patty likes to play action video games as long as they aren't too violent.

Why do you think this story has the title "Playing Games?"

  1. It tells about playing games.
  2. It tells you how to play Monopoly.
  3. It tells you about how hard different games are to play.
  4. It tells about games Patty likes to play.

What is it tells about games Patty likes to play. (4)


The rain was blowing. The girl whispered to herself, "I hate rain!" The wind whistled as rain pattered on the sidewalk. It was a very cold and rainy night. Which line makes something in nature seem human? a. The rain was blowing b. The girl whispered to herself c. The wind whistled as rain pattered on the sidewalk

What is c: the wind whistled as rain pattered on the sidewalk


You will do greet on your test thirsday and Friday

Find 3 mistakes

You will do great on your test Thursday and Friday!


Roger heard a noise. It was a car coming down the street. Even though he was taking a nap, Roger just had to see who it was. He padded over to the fence. It wasn't a car. It was a truck! Maybe it was the workman he had met yesterday. In a flash, Roger scampered out of his year.

What is Roger is a neighborhood dog.


Kenny's older brother Jeff always makes straight A's at school. Jeff keeps his room clean, eats all of his vegetables, and does his chores without being asked. Jeff makes Kenny feel inadequate.

Using context clues to help you, what does "inadequate" mean in this passage?

  1. not good enough
  2. angry
  3. hungry
  4. good about himself

What is not good enough. (1)


Jill has a cat named Whiskers. Whiskers stays indoors even on a nice sunny day. We leave the door open, but Whiskers still hides inside. We know Whiskers would like to go outside but we do not know why the cat stays indoors. Whiskers will get to the door that goes outside, but she will not go through the door.

What is the main idea of the paragraph?

  1. Jill has a cat named Whiskers.
  2. Whiskers stays indoors.
  3. Whiskers is afraid of doors.
  4. Jill loves her cat.

What is Whiskers stays indoors. (2)


The family was going on a trip. Mother said, "We will leave soon." We had to hurry. It was a hectic morning. We had many things to do. The word hectic means: a. quiet b. busy c. rainy

What is b: busy?


Are you hungry she asked kindly

Find 4 mistakes

"Are you hungry?" she asked kindly.


Jody wheeled the cart out to the car. she put the bags into the trunk. She drove home. She brought the bags into the house. She put the canned goods into the cupboard. The milk, butter, and eggs went into the refrigerator. All the bags were empty. Now, she could make dinner.

What is Jody went grocery shopping


Jordan had a splendid idea to make slime for her cousin's birthday.

What is the meaning of the word splendid?

  1. to make slime
  2. to have a great idea
  3. very good or excellent

What is very good or excellent. (3)


Every night the moon looks a little different. This is because as the moon moves around the earth, sunlight shines on different parts of the moon. The part of the moon that the sunlight is shining on is the part of the moon we see. The moon goes through four main stages. The first quarter moon, full moon, third quarter moon, and new moon are the four stages. It takes about 29 days for the moon to finish all the stages. If it is a clear night, look in the sky. You will find the moon in one of its stages. 

This passage is mainly about

  1. why the moon looks different every night.
  2. why the earth moves around the sun.
  3. how the sun can be seen in the evening.
  4. how the moon is different from the sun.

What is why the moon looks different every night. (1)


Lions live in groups called "prides." The males are in charge of protecting the pride from danger. The females hunt for food and take care of the cubs. The main idea is: a. Lions live in prides b. male lions protect the pride. c. Female lions hunt for food.

What is a: Lions live in prides?


are you going to go to celestes party on saturday 

Find 5 mistakes

Are you going to go to Celeste's party on Saturday?


Manuel wanted to take his motorcycle out for a ride. He grabbed his helmet. He tried to kick-start the bike. it wouldn't start. he tried again and again, but nothing happened. Then, he thought of his friend Juan. he would ask Juan to come over and take a look at the bike.

What is Juan knows how to fix motorcycles


Don't forget to season the steak with salt before you put it on the grill.

Which definition of SEASON best fits the sentence above?

  1. become better at something
  2. a sequence of football games
  3. a certain time of year
  4. add flavoring

What is add flavoring. (4)


The rainforest has four main layers. Different plants and animals live in each layer. Some layers get more sunlight than other layers. The names of these layers are the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.

The main idea of this passage is "There are four main layers in the rainforest."

Which of these sentences supports the main idea?

  1. The names of these layers are the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor.
  2. The rainforest is huge.

What is the names of these layers are the emergent layer, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. (1)


It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shinning. The birds were chirping. The flowers had awakened from their long winter's sleep! Which line makes something in nature appear human? a. The sun was shinning b. The birds were chirping c. The flowers had awakened from their long winter's sleep

What is c: The flowers had awakened from their long winter's sleep?



Jay asked, where is the key to the safe?

Find 3 mistakes

Jay asked, "Where is the key to the safe?"


Susie looked under the beds. She looked in the closets. Then she went outside. She started calling for Benny. There was no sign of him. Susie sat on the front porch and began to cry. She couldn't find her cat anywhere. Then, she heard a soft meow. There was Benny looking right at her.

What is Susie was sad her cat might be lost


Tuesday was Moira's first day in the new school. She was confused by the endless hallways and was often lost. By Friday, however, her BEWILDERMENT had ended.

What does the word "bewilderment" mean?

  1. sadness
  2. confusion
  3. shyness

What is confusion. (2)


Amelia Earhart is famous for being the first woman to fly an airplane across the Atlantic Ocean. She was born in 1897 and saw her first airplane at the Iowa state fair at age 10. Although she studied to be a nurse and then a social worker, she was always interested in flight.

She started taking flying lessons in 1921 and then bought her first plane. Since the aircraft was bright yellow, she called it Canary. In 1928, Earhart flew from Canada to Wales, crossing the Atlantic Ocean in only 21 hours. When she returned to the United States, a parade was held in her honor.

She crossed the Atlantic again in 1932, this time by herself. After this accomplishment, the U.S. Congress gave her a special medial called the Distinguished Flying Cross. Earhart continued to set new records, and in 1937 she decided to fly around the world. Her plan was lost over the Pacific Ocean, and Earhart was never heard from again.

What is the main idea?

  1. Amelia Earhart flew around the world.
  2. Amelia Earhart was a brave woman who flew airplanes.
  3. Amelia Earhart had a yellow plane called Canary.
  4. Amelia Earhart flew from Canada to Wales.

What is Amelia Earhart was a brave woman who flew airplanes. (2)


What is the author's main purpose in writing "Drawing Animals?" a. to describe the way animals look b. to instruct how to draw animals c. to give facts about animals d. to tell a story about animals

What is to instruct how to draw animals?


he train will stop in atlanta montgomery and jacksonville. 

Find 6 mistakes

The train will stop in Atlanta, Montgomery, and Jacksonville.
