
Name one WHO Priority

- Advancing Universal Health Coverage

- Health related sustainable development goals

- The international health regulations

- Social, economic and environmental determinants

- Non-communicable disease

- Increasing access to medical products 

Identify an SDG other than SDG3
1. No Poverty

2. Zero Hunger
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
13. Climate Action


What is the type of aid that provides food, water, shelter and immediate assistance

Emergency Aid


Name one NGO

Red Cross, Oxfam, Care Australia, Tabitha Foundation, World Vision


The World Health Organisation priority associated with the legally binding health regulations that provide countries with a set of rules to follow in the event of a disease outbreak

Implementing the provisions of the International Health Regulations


Name one target of SDG 3

Various answers include:
- Reduce the maternal mortality rates
- End preventable deaths of newborns and U5MR
- End the epidemics of AIDS, Tb, malaria etc
- Achieve universal health coverage
- Reduce the number of global deaths from injuries and road traffic


Identify how money is distributed through multilateral aid

World Bank, UN, WHO.


How do NGO’s help to promote human development?

By addressing the underlying cause of poor health such as poverty, and giving individuals a decent standard of living so they are able to develop to their full potential


• a strong, efficient, well-run health system;
• a system for financing health services;
• access to essential medicines and technologies;
• a sufficient capacity of well-trained, motivated health workers.

WHO- Advancing Universal Healthcare


Explain one way that SDG 1 – No poverty impacts on SDG 3- Good health and wellbeing

Various answers;
- By achieving no poverty, people have access to more nutritious foods which can decrease mortality, morbidity and U5MR rates
- By lifting people out of poverty, people will have access to basic services such as clean water and sanitation, this will decrease the rates of communicable diseases, improving health and wellbeing


What is bilateral aid?

Where aid is given by one country directly to another.


Describe one NGO that you have researched and what they are targetting

Various Answers


WHO promotes breastfeeding as the best source of nourishment for babies and one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and survival. Yet worldwide, only 38% of babies are breastfed as their sole source of nourishment for 6 months, as WHO recommends. Peru has been a pathfinder. The proportion of infants exclusively breastfed increased from one in five in 1992 to more than half in 2000 – thanks to a nationwide effort to implement an initiative sponsored by WHO and UNICEF

1. Health related sustainable development goals
2. Increasing access to medical products
3. Universal health coverage


Outline the 3 objectives of the SDG's

- End extreme poverty
- Fight inequality and injustice
- Address climate change


Explain how Australian aid is addressing the priority Infrastructure, trade facilitation and international competitiveness 

Australia is helping with the construction of roads, rails and airports.
This allows the country to increase trade opportunities and increase the economy and international competitiveness 


Explain how the Way we Live Program promotes health and wellbeing


Explain the work of WHO in the priority of social, economic and environmental determinants

-Promote participation in policy making and implementations

- Further reorient the health sector towards promoting health and reducing health inequities

- Strengthen global governance and collaboration

- Monitor progress and increase accountability 


Explain the impact of quality education on good health and wellbeing

Various answers include;

Children who access quality education are more likely to be educated about sanitation therefore reducing the prevalence of communicable disease and decreasing U5MR

Mothers who are educated through childbirth are more likely to access healthcare and decrease the rates of maternal mortality 


One of DFAT’s focus areas is Education. Explain how building schools in PNG and Fiji can help to promote health and wellbeing and human development

Various answers include:

Education offers opportunity. Children, in particular girls, can receive an education through the school building program, which will allow them to gain knowledge to access a higher paying job that the individual can use their income for nutritious foods to improve physical health. 

Educated individuals are more likely to send their own children to school, therefore passing on knowledge and helping people live lives they value


Through the World Vision program, Namina and her school mates have been able to continue their education at a temporary learning centre.
100000 have been provided with clean drinking water through construction or restoration of 22 water systems.
What type of aid am I?
How has this program promoted human development?

Aid: Bilateral

Human Development: Children are gaining access to knowledge to enable them to live to their full potential.
With access to water, people can live lives they value being free from illness and disease
