World Vision/Aus Aid

Identify the SDGS we have learnt. (name and number) 

1 - No poverty.
2 - Zero hunger.
3 - Good health and wellbeing
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender equality
6 - Clean water and Sanitation
13 - Climate action 


One of the strategic priorities is "Protect Health: Addressing Health Emergencies" provide an example of what this priority is about?

- Building the capacity to keep the world safe from epidemics and health emergencies

- All people have quick access to essential health services during health emergencies


Identify the 3 types of aid. 

Bilateral, multilateral and emergency. 


Why does Australia help fund NGO such as World Vision?

Small scale - NGO can help small communities that may be hard to reach. No political motivation so able to build trust meaning it is more effective. 


Identify the 5 dimensions of health and wellbeing, and a characteristic for each. 

Physical - body weight
Social - effective communication skills
Mental - stress, confidence, self esteem
Emotional - manage and express emotions
Spirtual - Belonging and Identity


Finish the key feature for SDG3
"End the epidemic of AIDS...' 

End the epidemic of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria negelected tropical diseases,combat hepatitis, waterborn diseases and other communicable disease.


Promote Health: Promoting healthier populations.

Provide two examples of this priority.

- Improving human capital

- preventing non communicable disease and promoting mental health

- eridicating high impact communicable diseases

- tackling antimicrobial resistance

- Addressing health effects of climate change in small island developing states


Explain emergency aid and why this type of aid is important. Provide 2 examples of the aid that can be given. 

Emergency aid - Aid given to a country in a time of crises such as conflict or a natural disaster. This type of aid is important as people will be suffering and may die. Aid can include: water, food, temporary shelter. 


What Aus Aid priority is this: Relates to ensuring a peaceful, prosperous, and resilient ______ region



List 10 health status measures

LE, HALE, Mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence, burden of disease, maternal mortality, U5MR, DALY


Explain the rationale of the SDGs. 

The rationale relates to why the SDGs were created. They were created as
-MDGS finished in 2015
-Progress was uneven across regions and countries
-New global challanges (such as conflict and environmental changes) 


Explain Provide health - universal health coverage and how it promotes health and wellbeing. 

For all people to access health services they need regardless of their ability to pay.
access healthcare - recieve treatment such as vaccinations - prevent diseases such as tuberculosis (physical h&w). 


How much of the Aus budget do we put towards aid?



There are 5 priorities of Australia's aid program

- Pacific, Southeast Asia, Humanitarian, Building resilence; climate change and climate financing, expanding opportunities for everyone

How many years has Mrs Moon taught HHD?



Explain the objectives of the SDGs

Objectives = what we want to achieve
- End extreme poverty
- Fight inequality and injustice
- Address climate change 


Identify the 3 priorities of the WHO. (APA) 

Provide health; Achieving universal health coverage.
Protect health; Addressing health emergencies.
Promote health; Promoting healthier populations. 


Explain why Australia invests in each type of aid. (E, B, M)

E - Time of crises, people can die. 

B - Build relationships with other countries espeically pacific region. By helping them, we improve our economy and our health. 

M - Large scale, too big for one country to solve.


List 4 disadvantage groups of focus under the expanding opportunities for everyone priority.

Females, the LGBTQIA+ community, those with disabilities and children.


What month is my birthday?



Identify SDG 4 and explain how it promotes human development.

Quality Education literacy + numeracy  -> opportunities for employment -> Expand their choices and capabilities  


Explain how WHO promoting healthier populations can promote human development. 

By WHO focusing on preventing non-communicable diseases such as tobacco use, there will be less people smoking therefore decreasing the risk of diseases such as lung cancer, this allows more people being able to work and earn an income so people can have a decent stardard of living and be able to participate in the community.


 Name 4 organisations that Australia may work with through Multilateral aid?

World bank, United Nations, World Food Programme, Unicef, WHO


Outline a reason why partnerships are important when providing aid?

It helps to maximise the benefits of aid programs in our region.

  • It enables collaboration to create opportunities to promote economic growth in the region, reduce poverty and return commercial profits.

How many HHD classes are running next year in year 11 and 12 in total?

9 (4 x U3HHD, 5 x U1HHD)
