Maya and True Self
Healthy Lifestyle, Mental Balance, and Human Rights
Time, Temples, and Caste
Pop Culture & Sustainability
Gurus and Hindu Knowledge

The translation or literal meaning of "Maya" 

What is illusion, trickery, fraud, or deceit 


____is the oldest religion in the world and it believes in _______, multiple paths to enlightenment. 

What is Hinduism and Pluralism 


The four Yugas 

Give at least 3/4 

What is/are Satya (or Krita), Treta, Dvapara, and Kali 


The name of a famous cartoon character from the Simpsons who portrays a very stereotypical Indian person  

Who is Apu 


_________ promote the lifestyle and worship of God as prescribed by the Vedas and Shastras.

Who are Gurus 


The illusion of Maya in Hinduism, is also called____ or play 

Must give the Hindi name  

What is "lilla" 


The three keys to health that Hindus believe in 

What is/are Meditation/Yoga, Dietary restrictions and Fasting, and Ayurveda 


Sanskrit name of cosmic rhythm?

What is Rta or Rita


The avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance is called ________

What is Sustainability 


________is the founder of Sikhism and the first of the Sikh Gurus. He was born in Punjab India (modern day Pakistan) and gave spiritual teachings based on the universal divinity of creation.

Who is Guru Nanak 


What is dualism and non-dualism?

Dualism is the separation of the body from the soul to two different entities. Therefore, the soul survives even in death. Non-Dualism is the mature state of consciousness that transcends the dichotomy


In August 2017, this group targeted a Hindu village in the Rakhine State of Burma/Myanmar 

The acronym of the group is OK

What is Arakan Rohingyan Salvation Army (ARSA) 


The act of praying to a deity in a temple is known as this 

What is darshan 


The name of a book written by Katherine Mayo in in 1927 which spoke on gender roles in a colonial India 

What is Mother India 


Name the two Ithiasas 

What are the Ramayana and Mahabharata 


This is the immortal aspect of our mortal existence, the individual Self, which is hidden in every object of creation including humans. It is the microcosm which represents the macrocosm in each of us, providing us with consciousness and the reason to exist and experience the pains and pleasures of earthly life.

Hint: Give the Hindi name 

What is "Atman" 


What are the causes for distractions in our life 

give at least 3/4

What is/are Dualities of life, Attachment and Desires, Impurities, and Karma 


Name the levels of the Hindu caste system from top to bottom 

What is Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, and Dalits


Any 3 ways that were talked about that you can be more environmentally friendly 

Can give any 3  

  • Limit consumption of animal products- animal agriculture is the greatest contributor to you carbon footprint

  • Limit use of single use plastic- plastic does not degrade

  • Try to carpool or use public transport

  • Encourage you parents to switch to renewable energy sources

  • Take environmental science at school if it is offered to learn more!


Some qualities of a guru include?

Intelligence (medha), Knowledge of the Vedas (sruti), Pure mind, Right wisdom (sumedha), Radiance of Brahman (brahmavarchas)


Who unified the two sects of different beliefs of Atman?



The three major types of food in Hinduism 

What is/are Tamasic, Rajasic, and Sattvic 


Temples are designed with these four essential and significant principles of human life

What is Artha, Kama, Dharma, and Moksha  


Fill in the blanks of the Daniel Caesar song 

I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the ___________

___________ was trying to persuade the prince that, he should do his duty

And, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form, and says

"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds"

What is Bhagavad Gita (1) and Who is Vishnu (2) 


What are the 3 fold distinctions in the Vedas?

Adhibhautika, Adhidaivika, Adhyatmika will also take English (Physical, Divine, Spiritual)
