Prenatal Development & The Newborn
The cultural value that emphasizes the importance of the individual with emphasis on independence is known as ___________ and the cultural value that emphasizes obligations to others within your group is known as _____________.
What are individualism and collectivism?
By 8 weeks, all of the major organs and structures of the body have been laid down and are in place. Because development is occurring rapidly within a very short period of time, this is a ___________ for development.
What is critical period?
The process that happens when the response that follows a behavior causes that behavior to happen more is called:
What is operant conditioning?
When one variable decreases, the other increases. This is known as _________. When one variable increases, the other increases (or when one variable decreases, the other decreases) is known as _________.
What is a negative correlation and a positive correlation?
The physical expression of genes, such as having green eyes, is known as __________. The genetic expression of genes is known as ___________.
What is a phenotype and a genotype?
TWO PART QUESTION!!!! 1. This type of research design has the advantage of demonstrating causality (no other type of research design can do this). 2. This type of research design does not use random assignment. For example, one would use this design for studying children who were abused.
1. What is an experiment? 2. What is a quasi-experiment?
This organ performs the essential functions of bringing oxygen and nutrients to the developing embryo from the mother through the umbilical cord and carries away fetal waste products.
What is the placenta?
Smiling and nodding when someone is talking to you, giving candy to students for completing an assignment correctly, or picking up a baby so they will stop crying are all examples of:
What is reinforcement?
The ability to get consistent results in an experiment is known as __________ and the ability for a test to accurately measure what it sets out to measure is known as _________.
What are reliability and validity?
TWO PART QUESTION!! 1. Research done to determine how much genes contribute to a behavior, trait, or ability. 2. These genes need two of the same allele to be expressed in a person's phenotype.
1. What is behavioral genetics? 2. What is a recessive gene?
This is a change in quality or worth. For example, this could be a change in the way someone thinks.
What is qualitative change?
Agents whose effects are impacted by the timing, amount, and lengths of exposure and can harm a developing embryo or fetus are called ________ (Hint-Examples: HIV, alcohol/drugs, mercury, etc.)
What are teratogens? (p. 146)
When using this approach, a teacher "uses the assessment process to determine the child's zone of proximal development and provides the indirect help the child needs to progress to a higher level of achievement." (Hint: Think about what kind of process this is! Lev Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory)
What is dynamic assessment?
Tommy comes to the lab to assess his reading ability every two years. He will do this repeatedly until he is 24. This is a _______ research design. Defining reading ability as the number of words Tommy can read in a 60 second period is _______ the term "reading ability"
What is longitudinal and operationalizing?
This is the gene-environment interaction where people choose their own environments, and will choose ones that are compatible with their inherited qualities—(Ex. A quiet person who gets a job at a library will probably get quieter)
What is active?
In this type of observation, subjects are watched in the place where the behaviors usually occur.
What is naturalistic observation?
____________ is involved in uterine contractions, release of breast milk, and feelings of love and bonding with the infant and ___________ is involved with the process of laying down a fatty sheath of myelin on the neurons to ensure that the chemical messages sent between neurons are delivered efficiently.
What are Oxytocin & Myelination? (p. 168 & 182)
Students with a sense of ___________ work harder and longer at academic tasks, tackle more difficult tasks, and have a greater sense of optimism that they will succeed. (Albert Bandura-Social Cognitive Theory)
What is self-efficacy? (p.42-43)
TWO PART!!! 1. This is a well established principle that is used to explain something about the natural world. 2. This is a testable prediction about you expect to occur in a study, known as _______. You need _______ to "prove" this.
1. What is a theory? 2. What is a hypothesis and evidence?
"Most people are raised by their biological parents, who provide both their genes and their environment—parents who are musical will pass along musical genes and also provide a musical environment." This statement represents the _________ gene-environment interaction
What is passive?
TWO PART!!! 1. Batman and Robin are doing a study where they hope to find a relationship between fighting crime and happiness. Because of this, they tend to rate those who fight crime as happier than these people actually are. This is known as _____. 2. This is the ability to apply findings from one study to a population. It is necessary to use similar populations for this to be true.
1. What is observer bias? 2. What is generalizability?
TWO PART QUESTION! 1. The ____________ program has recommended that infants be put to sleep on their backs to reduce the risk of SIDS. In order to strengthen their arms and legs, pediatricians recommend that parents give their infants "tummy time" every day. 2. The ability of an immature brain to change in form and function is known as __________.
What are "Back to Sleep" and Plasticity?
__________ and _________ are both concepts developed by Lev Vygotsky (Sociocultural Theory). One defines what a child cannot do on their own but can do with help from someone more skilled or knowledgeable. (E.g. Help from you- the teacher!) The other represents the idea that more knowledgeable adults support a child's learning by providing help to move the child just beyond heir current level of capability.
What are the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and Scaffolding? (p.44-45)
Informed consent, ability to withdraw consent at any point, confidentiality, privacy, exposure to minimum risk, and weighing the potential risks versus the potential benefits
What are key components to ethical research?
The following is a example of a/an ________ gene-environment interaction: "If a child is always up and moving around, parents may engage in more physical play with the child and come to expect that that is what the child likes—will initiate active play even if the child isn’t already being active"
What is evocative?