mohammad the avacdo
will be
the OG
If ykyk :)

what role did women play in Irouquois culture?

The women chose the clan leader. If the clan leader did not do his job well.the women could remove him from his position.

why did the tribes who lived in southeast region irragate the land?

They needed the rivers to grow crops such as corn pumpkins and beans


what were the buildig in anasazi culture made from, and what did the spanish called them

they were made of adobe and the spanish caled them  pueblos


what did the ansazi and the hohokam do to adapt to their enviorment

they dug networks of irragation ditches so that they could farm the desert land.


how did harsh climates and warmers climates affects american indian cultures differently

people struggled to find enough food and water in harsh climates. in warmer climates people lived in larger groups and stayed in place for a longer period


what major impact did the development of farmin have on the settlers of the americans.

once farmers could grow a surplus of food, cities, ,marketplaces, and trade routes began to develope


how did the aztecs religous beliefs weaken their emipre?

every year they sacrificed thousands of people to plase there gods, those sacrifises developed enemys and the enemys weaken the empire.


why do you think the mound was built?

they were built for ceremonies for burials and ceremonys for their godss


why did sioux live in tents made my buffalo hide

they were easy to carry and the only animal they can hunt


how did physical enviorments affect american indian religous practices?

ceremonies honored aspects of nature needed for survival suh as rain, fish and corn


what ker similarity between the aztec and maya cilvilization?

they both study the heavan to make complex calenders


how did the aztec benifit from digging canals

canals helped the aztec farm and digging canals provided dirts to fill parts of texeco


why did the aztec contrust causeways

for communication


how did surplus of food led to the first cilvilizations?

extra food allowed the population to grow


how might the last ice age have helped hunters reach north america

the clod temperatures made glaciers and thoes glacires acted as land bridges for them to cross


when did the last ice age occcur?

The last ice age occured between 100,000 - 10,000


How did Farming affect the communities in america?

farming produce more food which meant a greater number of people could live together in permanent settlement


what features of the Olmec society indicate that is was a cilvilization?

They built large stone temples, and had different social classes.


why do you thing the Maya used different stones in contsruction?

THey used whetever is availible


why did priest have great power over the maya social structure?

the maya believed that only the priest could perform ceremnonies that assured good harvest & victorys in battle.
