In Public
At School
Breaks and Mealtime
Bathrooms and Toilets

Should you pick your nose in public?

No. People might feel uncomfortable or feel that it is dirty. You can use a tissue instead or go to a private place to pick your nose. 

Should you shout out an answer during class discussion? 

No. You should raise your hand or wait until you it is your turn. 


Should you chew with your mouth closed when eating?

Yes. This will keep food in your mouth. Some people feel uncomfortable when they can see mushy food in your mouth. 


What should you do after using the toilet and why?

You need to flush the toilet and wash your hands. Flushing prepares the toilet for the next person.
washing your hands makes sure that you are not spreading germs. 


True or False?

It is nice to take turns with your friends when playing together.

True. Everyone likes to play and taking turns helps everyone feel involved.


Is it polite to cut in line at a shop if you are in a rush?

No. You need to join the end of the line and wait for your turn. 


How can you request to go to the toilet during class time?

You can raise your hand and ask the teacher. If the teacher is at their desk you can quietly go to their desk to ask. 


Should you comment on how gross your friend's lunch looks or smells?

No. This might make them upset or uncomfortable. If the smell bother's you, you might want to sit further from them or suggest you eat outside. 


What can you do if you need to fart while in class?

- Ask to go to the toilet then fart outside or in toilet

- Move away from most people. Fart as quietly as possible and say 'excuse me' if people hear it


Your friend tells you a secret, who can you share the secret with?

No one. A secret is private and should not be shared with anyone unless your friend is in danger or they are unsafe. 


Where do you put your feel when riding a train? Why?

You put your feet in the floor. It is not clean or polite to put your feet on the seats. 


Who can you ask if you need help with your assignment?

Teacher, SLSO or other students in your class. 


What should you do if you or your friend gets hurt during lunch break?

- Get help from a teacher. 

- If you can't move ask your friend or another student to call a teacher. 


If you accidentally get pee on the toilet seat, what should you do?

Wipe the toilet seat using toilet paper and flush the paper down the toilet. 


Do friends need to agree on everything?

No. Friends usually have things in common (things you both like) but it is ok do disagree or like different things.


Do you need to wear socks when trying on sport shoes in a store?

Yes. This will help to keep the shoes clean and less germs are shared by people who try on the shoes.


Tell me 3 things you cannot do in the library. 

- Eat or drink
- Talk loudly
- Play music or watch videos with the volume on
- Take books home without borrowing them
- Run around or throw things


If your friends want to hang out in the out of bounds areas, what can you do?

- tell them it is out of bounds and you feel uncomfortable going there

- Suggest a different place to go that is allowed. 


You notice that your friend's zipper is undone. How do you tell them?

Quietly tell them so that other people don't notice. This will let them know to pull their zipper up without being uncomfortable. 


When you visit a friend's house you are interested in their game collection. Should you start rummaging through the games an taking them out to look at them better?

No. You should ask permission first. The games belong to your friend.


If you lose something in a shopping centre, where can you go to look for it?

You can go to the information desk or the Lost and found department.


How do you make sure you have everything you need for your school subjects when packing your bag?

Check your timetable for the subjects you have the next day. 


You see a group of students playing a game at lunch time and you want to join. What should you do?

1. Ask if you can join

2. Ask for the rules of the game

Other helpful tips:
- Learn the names of  your team mates so you can call it out during the game
- Take turns and offer to sit out for some rounds if other students look like they want to join


When you change into your sports uniform or swimsuit should you watch other people changing?

No. This might make them feel uncomfortable. You should focus on changing your clothes and try to not look at other people until everyone is dressed. 


Your friend asks you to join their online gaming group, what should you do?

- Ask permission from you parents about online games

- Make sure you know everyone in the group

- Do not share or talk about your private information when playing online. 
