You are talking to a person next to you and your teachers tells a peer in class to stop talking. I should...
Stop talking and listen to what your teacher is saying
You see someone when you arrive at school and say hello, you see them again when you enter the classroom. I should...
Say their name to get there attention and start a conversation
I tell a joke and everyone laughs. I should...
Smile and laugh and move onto new conversation or jokes.
You get to a party and you don't like the party theme. I should...
You are watching a movie at the theatre and have lots of comments to make to a friend. I should...
Keep most of the thoughts to myself or quietly whisper a quick statement
You see someone getting bullied in the change room. I should...
Ask the peer if I can help or tell a teacher
You are talking to a friend, I should stand...
At least an arms length away
You notice someone got a new haircut, you think it doesn't look good. Can I make a joke about it?
No - its rude to joke about a persons appearance
You receive a gift, you have it already. I should...
Say thank you and check with parents or gift giver later about exchanging the gift
You are eating out family style (everyone is sharing the options) you love the rice being served. True or false, I should take as much as I want?
False- I should take a small portion and ensure everyone gets some before I take seconds
Your teacher crosses their arms, clears their throat and looks around the classroom. I should...
Be quiet and listen for the teachers instructions
You see a peer at school and appraoch them, I can greet them by saying...
Yo, whats up bro, sup, hey girl etc.
You make a joke and before laughing you notice the group look at eachother before laughing. Are they laughing with you or at you?
At you - they are looking around to see if others agree it was a bad joke before they laugh
You are invited to a friends birthday but you know another friend isn't invited, you are all hanging out. I should...
Not talk about the party around others who aren't invited
You are eating at a resturant and the person at the table next to you orders a food you think is gross. I should...
Mind my own buisness- I don't need to comment on others meals, I don't have to eat it.
Looking at the teacher, taking notes, nodding my head, asking or answering questions
You are talking to a peer about a topic you know a lot about, they state a fact that you know is incorrect. I could say...
"I heard its actually _____." "I thought its ____, lets look it up." "I don't think so but I could be wrong"
You heard a funny joke on a YouTube video, you know it is offensive. Should I repeat it to my friends?
No - jokes that are offensive to any group should not be shared
You receive a gift and don't like it. I should...
Say thank you and keep my feelings to myself
You are at the grocery store and drop a jar, it smashes on the floor. I should...
Tell an employee about the mess and apologize for the accident.
You notice a peer in class looking at someone else test, your teacher doesn't seem to notice. I should...
Discreetly tell the teacher or mind my own business and focus on my own work.
You see your teacher or instructor, I can say...
Hello, hey, how are you, good morning/afternoon etc.
True or false, a joke gets a big laugh, I should repeat the same joke several more times
False - a joke is funny the first time but gets less funny every time its told and people will start to get annoyed with me.
Its Christmas and you have different interests than a cousin you are buying a gift for. When buying them a gift I should...
Buy something they would like even though I don't like the gift
You are in a doctors waiting room and have your phone or a parents phone. You see a video you want to watch. I should...
Listen to the video without sound or put headphones on to watch.