I should respect the the property of
my teachers, my school, and my peers.
What should I have before I leave my classroom?
In the hallways, when I am going to class I should _____ and not _____.
Walk and not run.
I should keep my password
safe and secure.
What does S.O.A.R. stand for?
Safe, Organized, Accountable, Respectful
I speaking to peers and teachers I should use appropriate
language and volume.
When I ask to go to the restroom, where should I go?
To the closest restroom to the classroom I left.
I should not keep ____ or _______ in my locker
Food or Trash
I should not post information that is
personal or sensitive
If I see something that concerns me about safety in the school, I should
Tell an adult.
When I go to my classes, my backpack and my phone should be
In my locker
If something is written on the restroom walls or stalls, I should...
Tell an adult.
When I arrive at school I should go to the
When I post something online and then delete it, it is...
Never truly gone.
If I drop trash in the hallway, I should
pick it up.
I should be on time to class and
ready to learn.
If I have a safety concerns about two students in the bathroom, I should...
My clothing choices should
follow the dress code.
When I post something online or comment about other people, I should
be respectful.
If I see banners or posters in the hallway, I should
leave them alone.
When I leave the classroom, I should take
Return to my classroom.
After dismissal, how should I exit the building?
Walking to cars or buses.
I should keep track of my
headphones, chargers, and devices.
In any classroom setting, I should always try to do
my best work.