HRO Principles
HRO RADIO Concepts
"Managing the Unexpected (Questions)"
HRO Values
HRO Tools and Support

This principle is about finding the person who knows the most, not about who has the highest rank.

What is Deference to Expertise?


This episode discussed a supporting culture that HROs depend on, that is characterized by an algorithm.

What is a "Just Culture"?


This Marvel Avenger has a distinctive shield.

Who is Captain America?


Commit to ______ staff and patient harm.

What is "Zero"?


This is the creation of a standardized process or checklist to decrease variability.

What is Standard Work?


This principle is about being aware of the front line work not as it's expected to work, but as it is actually working.

What is Sensitivity to Operations?


In the episode called the "Messy Blue Line", the guest compared baking a cake to raising a child; and noted that an HRO is like raising a child. What two types of organizations was he comparing?

What is a complicated organization versus a complex organization?


This iconic wizard spends a lot of time with hobbits and dwarves.

Who is Gandalf?


_________ on the front line.

What is "Focus"?


An evidence-based framework to optimize healthcare team performance focusing on team leadership, situational awareness, and standard communication tools..

What is TeamSTEPPS?


This principle works to avoid crude categorizations; rather it is about expanding the organizations understanding of the complexity of the work.

What is Reluctance to Simplify?


Over the last 2 years, HRO RADIO has twice sponsored guests that have talked about this type of PI team, whose process includes a "soak" period.

What is a Learning Team?


This popular movie series came from a video game series featuring a corporation who started the zombie apocalypse.

What is Resident Evil?


Become aware of our _______ as they lead to harm.

What are "Blindspots" ? ("Bias" will also get points)


This is the belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns, or mistakes.

What is Psychological Safety?


This principle is about building the capacity to absorb strain and keep functioning as well as bouncing back from untoward events .

What is Commitment to Resilience?


An HRO RADIO guest addressed the tension between efficiency and thoroughness by presenting this principle as a balance scale.

What is the ETTO principle? (Efficiency Thoroughness Tradeoff)


This is the name of Harry Potter's giant friend.

Who is Hagrid?


People will always make ______ so plan for it.

What are "Mistakes"?


This is a bundle of tools that includes huddles, visual boards, quick escalation of issues (Tiered Huddles) and leader standard work. 

What is the Daily Management System (DMS)?


This principle states that everyone should always be actively anticipating risk and reporting near misses as well as errors.

What is Preoccupation with Failure


The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics noted that healthcare workers are 4 times more likely to experience assaults at work that result in time off, than any other private sector employment in the U.S. Guests from this market showed how they attained the lowest harm and claim rates in work place safety of all markets at KP using front-line input and PDSA quick cycles. Which market were they from?

What is the MAS market?


This Batman villain used to be the Joker's psychiatrist.

Who is Harley Quinn?


Without ______ throughout the organization, we can never aspire to being an HRO.

What is "Psychological Safety"?


This is considered the primary pillar or prerequisite in order to begin the High Reliability Organization journey.

What is leadership commitment to zero (patient) harm?
