Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 1
Category 5

What are the increased risks of a mother who is AMA (Advanced Maternal Age)?

Gestational diabetes mellitus, HTN, LBW, Cesarean birth and instrumental vaginal deliveries, placenta previa, preterm labor, postpartum hemorrhage, austism


When is gestational diabetes diagnosed?

If patient has 2 or more of the following: Fasting >95 mg/dL, 1 hr >180, 2 hr >155, 3 hr >140


When are microdoses of RhoGAM given?

within 72 hours of chorionic villus sampling and termination of pregnancy less than 13 weeks' gestation


Intra and Postpartum Nursing Care for Substance Abuse

Preventinginjury, effective communication, pain control, preventing withdrawal


Maternal Effects of Cocaine Use

Hyperarousal state, generalized vasoconstriction, HTN, increased incidence of spontaneous abortion, abruptio placentae, PTL, cardiovascular complication, seizures, increased STDs


Fetal/Neonatal Effects of Heroin, Methadone, Morphine and Other Opioids

IUGR, meconium aspiration, hypoxia, intellectual impairment, withdrawal s/sx, neonatal infections, fetal or neonatal death (SIDS, child abuse, neglect)


Increased maternal risks with gestational diabetes:

Hypoglycemia, PIH, Preeclampsia, UTI, Labor dystocia, C-sectioin, birth injury, PROM, ketoacidosis


Do not give RhoGAM to:

Rh+ woman, a sensitized Rh- woman, an Rh- woman with an Rh- baby, the baby, or the baby's father


What effect does Nicotine have on mothers and their babies?

Nicotine decreases placental circulation and decreases the oxygen carrying capacity of blood (transient intrauterine hypoxemia). Maternal: decreases placental perfusion, anemia, PROM, preterm labor, spontaneous abortion

Fetal: Prematurity, SGA, fetal demise, developmental/intellectual delays, hyperactivity, increased incidence of SIDS.


Fetal effects of Cocaine Use During Pregnancy

Tachycardia, stillbirth, prematurity, LBW, tremor, IUGR, irritability, decreased ability to interact with environmental stimuli, poor feeding, n/v, diarrhea, decreased intellectual development


TORCH Infections


Other (group B strep)





Increased fetal risks for gestational diabetes:

Congenital anomalies, macrosomia, IUGR, Birth injury, Hypoglycemia, polycythemia, hyperbilirubinemia, RDS, prematurity


Describe ABO Incompatibility

ABO Incompatibility is unrelated to the Rh antigen, and it occurs when the mother is type O and the baby is type A, B, or AB. The first child may be affected.


Outcomes of early exposure to alcohol in pregnancy:

Outcomes of later exposure to alcohol in pregnancy:

facial anomalies, IUGR

lower IQ, IUGR


s/sx of recent cocaine use

Diaphoresis, high BP, irregular respirations, dilated pupils, increased body temperature, sudden onset of severely painful contractions, fetal tachycardia, excessive fetal activity, angry, caustic, abusive reactions and paranoia

What % of women with PTL progress to deliver at term?

What can occur as a result of Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn?

Fetal anemia with generalized edema (Hydrops Fetalis) can develop and lead to pleural and pericardial effusions, heart failure, and death. Hyperbilirubinemia


Red Flags and Behaviors Associated with Substance Abuse:

Seeking prenatal care late in pregnancy, failure to keep appointments, poor grooming and inadequate weight gain, needle punctures, cellulitis, thrombosed veins, defensive or hostile reactions, anger or apathy regarding pregnancy, partner is substance abuser, involvement with DCS, and lack of family involvement


Acute and Long Term Maternal Effects of Marijuana:

Acute: Impaired cognitive function, short term memory, attention, judgement, impaired coordination, anxiety, paranoia, impaired learning and sleep, respiratory problems

Long-Term: Impaired learning, memory, loss of IQ, increased risk of other drug or alcohol use


Fetal effects of Methamphetamine use:

LBW, SGA, Lethargy, heart and brain abnormalities, neurobehavioral problems such as: decreased arousal and increased stress, attention impairments


What are the components of the Bishop score?

Dilation, Effacement, Station, Consistency, Position


What is the difference between a direct and indirect Coomb's?

Indirect Coomb's is done on the mom @ 28 weeks to determine if antibodies developed. Direct Coomb's is perfored on cord blood at time of birth


Antepartum Nursing Care for Substance Abuse

Examine own attitudes, communicating with women, and helping women identify strengths


Fetal effects of Marijuana

Causes tremors, hyper-irritability, sensitivity to light, high pitched scream, withdrawal s/sx, hyperactivity disorders, neurological development problems, memory issues, issues with problem solving skills


Maternal effects of heroin, methadone, morphine and other opioids:

Poor nutrition/malnutrition, spontaneous abortion, PROM, PTL, preeclampsia, increased incidents of STDs, HIV exposure, hepatitis, PIH, abruptio placentae, PROM