High Risk Conditions
High Risk Labor and Delivery
Postpartum Care
High risk Newborns
Gestational diabetes presents a high risk for which of the following effects on the neonate? 1- Euglycemia 2- Hypoglycemia 3- HELLP syndrome 4- Hyperglycemia
What is 2- hypoglycemia
The 3 common medications used in the management of preterm labor and what they are used for.
What is terbutaline (tocolysis), Magnesium sulfate (smooth muscle relaxant), betamethasone/dexamethasone (steroids for fetal lung development).
3 main reasons for PP bleeding
What is Retained placenta, uterine atony, laceration
Weighs 2500 gm or less, little body fat, weak cry, dull red wrinkled skin, abundant vernix and lanugo
What is Preterm infant
The contraction stress test (CST) is most often performed to: 1- assess uteroplacental function. 2- assess fetal lung maturity. 3- determine how well the mother will tolerate labor. 4- determine fetal viability.
What is 1- assess uteroplacental function
A primigravida in her first trimester of pregnancy is Rh negative. To prevent anti-Rh antibodies from forming the nurse would educate her client about receiving which treatment? 1- Rh immune globulin during labor. 2- Intrauterine transfusions with O negative blood. 3- Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks and within 72 hours after birth if the infant is Rh positive. 4- Rh Immune globulin at 28 weeks if the infant is Rh positive.
What is 3- Rh immune globulin at 28 weeks and within 72 hours after birth if the infant is Rh positive
<3 hours from first contraction to birth Maternal risks-uterine rupture, PP hemorrhage, tears Infant risks-decreased oxygen, facial bruising
What is precipitous labor
Bp 150/90, clonus 2+, epigastric pain, headache
What is eclampsia
Hyaline membrane disease d/t insufficient surfactant, poor elasticity of lungs, cyanosis, dyspnea
What is Respiratory distress syndrome
Test done with newborn screen to assess for faulty metabolism
What is PKU
A pregnant woman tells the nurse that she has been experiencing nausea and vomiting. Which of the following are accurate statements regarding hyperemesis gravidarum? (select all that apply) 1- Hyperemesis gravidarum often lasts for the duration of the pregnancy. 2- Hyperemesis gravidarum can cause cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. 3- Nausea related to hyperemesis gravidarum only occurs in the morning. 4- The woman with hyperemesis gravidarum will have persistent vomiting without weight loss.
What is 1- Hyperemesis gravidarum often lasts for the duration of the pregnancy and 2- Hyperemesis gravidarum can cause cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances
Cervical ripening, Amniotomy, Oxytocin
What is induction methods
The nurse should do this is uterus is boggy and soaking pads
What is massage the uterus
Hemolytic disease causing destruction of infant RBC's, jaundice, risk for kernicterus
What is Erythroblastosis fetalis
Test done to screen for infant lung maturity
What is lecithin-sphinomyelin ratio
When a client undergoing treatment for severe PIH complains of epigastric pain, the nurse should notify her health care provider immediately because the client is: 1- having a reaction to her medications. 2- reverting to mild preeclampsia. 3- going into labor. 4- at high risk for developing eclampsia.
What is 4- at high risk for developing eclampsia.
If the cord is detected on vaginal exam, you would...
What is call for help, elevate mother's hips or knee chest position, push up on head to get pressure off cord, do not remove hand until met by surgeon, emergency c-section
Over activation of the blood clotting mechanisms, clots form in small vessels, hemorrhage from strangs areas such as gums
What is Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Something you can use to safely feed an infant with cleft palate.
What is Haberman feeder
These are done during pregnancy as a "triple screen" to detect for chromosomal abnormalities
What is maternal alpha feto protein, estriol, and hcG levels
A client states that she may have appendicitis because she started having pain in her side last night, and it is becoming progressively more severe. During the nursing assessment, the client tells the nurse she missed her period a month ago and has experienced nausea and breast tenderness. The nurse should report his information to the health care provider immediately, because the client may have developed which of these complications? 1- abruptio placentae 2- ectopic pregnancy 3- hydatidiform mole 4- placenta previa
What is 2- ectopic pregnancy
Known CPD, Malpresentation, Placenta previa, Previous vertical uterine incision
What is Indications for C-section delivery
Agitation, hyperactivity, insomnia, irrational thoughts, delusions, hallucinations
What is Post partum psychosis
Seen in postterm infants, infants of diabetic mothers, and with long drawn out labor and delivery
What is hypoglycemia
Assesses fetal breathing, fetal movement, fluid volume and fetal reaction
What is biophysical profile