Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelet count
Treatment requires delivery of the baby
What is HELLP syndrome
Severe abdominal pain and bleeding caused usually by abdominal trauma or smoking/cocaine/drug use
What is placental abruption
Glucose is less than ___ mg/dL in testing to be considered NOT diabetes.
What is 140
What levels are tested as diagnostic criteria in this complication?
What is TSH
Dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and weight loss.
What are symptoms associated with Hyperemesis Gravidarum.
Occurrence of generalized convulsions, usually associated with background of pre-eclampsia during pregnancy, labor, or within 7 days of delivery
What is Eclampsia
Placenta has invaded the myometrium
Most pregnancies get tested __ times for gestational diabetes.
What is 1
Drug of choice for hypothyroidism
What is Levothyroxine sodium
Clients commonly affected by HG
What is a nulliparous woman
Hypertension that antedates pregnancy or present before 20 weeks gestation
What is chronic hypertension
The implantation partly or wholly in the lower segment of the uterus, usually covering the internal os
What is placenta previa
Pregnant women can control their diabetes with ___ instead of taking insulin
What is diet or medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
TSH levels in pregnancy are ___ in comparison to TSH levels in a non-pregnant state
What is lower
This makes early detection is possible.
What is thorough education
Hypertension after 20 weeks gestation
What is gestational hypertension
Abnormal development and implantation of the placenta, but is not invading the myometrium.
What is placenta accreta
Where can you give insulin injections while pregnant?
What is the abdomen or back of the upper arms
Special considerations for the developing fetus of a mother with Hyperthyroidism
What is small for gestational age (SGA), increased risk of prematurity and fetal demise, and congenital malformations due to antithyroid medications.
Signs and symptoms present in a patient with HG
What are dehydration, including dry mucous membranes, furrowed tongue, dry skin, prolonged capillary refill, pallor, oliguria, concentrated urine with specific gravity greater than 1.025, dizziness, hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, mild elevation in body temperature (less than 38° C [100.4° F]), sunken eyes, constipation, and fatigue.
Symptoms include headache, blurred vision, epigastric pain, oliguria, edema, and proteinuria
What is pre-eclampsia
PAINLESS bright red vaginal bleeding
What is placenta previa
Patients diagnosed with GDM are at risk for having babies who are LGA, or
Hyperthyroidism can be attributed to a few different causes, the most common being...
What is Graves’ disease
Antihystamines, Vitamin B6, Antiemetics, IV hydration, and TPN
What are possible treatments for HG