Mothers with Positive blood types can receive blood from?
Positive or negative blood types
A rare neurological disorder characterized by excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood
A mother with a negative indirect coombs test
Occurs in _______ RH- births
Which type of antibodies do Mothers with type O blood have?
IgG which are Anti-A and Anti- B
Mother’s with Type O blood have antibodies against these blood types.
Can lead to this lung sound
Treatment for hyperbilirubinemia
Patient’s with a positive blood type can receive blood from ?
Either positive or negative blood types
What is a ABO incapability during pregnancy?
A Mother with Type O blood who becomes pregnant with a fetus that has (type A, B, or AB).
This blood type has no antigens and both “A” & “B” antibodies in the plasma.
Type O
How is Hemolytic disease of the newborn diagnosed after birth?
1. A Direct Coombs Test
2. A CBC with an increased reticulocyte count
3.Elevated Bilirubin levels.
3 ways to address the psychosocial needs of the parents
1. Allow them to express their fears
2. Educate of the pathophysiology
3.Promote normal parental bonding by modeling appropriate behaviors and pointing out positive characteristics of the neonate, while encouraging parental participation in the neonate's care
Why is the 2 or 3rd birth more at risk for hemolytic anemia than the first.
The first birth is when the mother is exposed to the RH antigen and begins to make antibodies against it. During subsequent births the antibodies can attack the RH factor in utero.
Occurs in ______% of births
Can only receive one type of blood
Another name for this disease
Erythroblastosis fetalis
A blood test on cord blood of a jaundiced infant to determine if the mother's antibodies are attacking the neonate's RBC's.
Risk for RH Incapability
Mother Rh-negative; father Rh-positive
Why is an ABO incapability less severe than a RH incompatibility
The fetus has poorly developed A and B antigens that provoke a weak maternal immune response
A patient with AB- blood can receive blood from?
AB-, A-, B-, O-
Fetal edema due to break down of fetal Erythrocytes
Hydrops fetalis
Obstetrics related signs of Hemolytic disease of the newborn
1. Yellow or Meconium stained Amniotic Fluid
2. Bile stained umbilical cord
4 ways RH- woman can be exposed to RH+ blood
1. Birth of a RH+ baby
2.Ectopic pregnancy
3. Miscarriage
4. Rh+ blood transfusion
IGM antibodies are found in mother with these blood types
A, B, AB