At what tenure date can an MSR stop using the HRV Wizard
When do you click the HRV button?
Once completion of HRV transaction.
If member needs a debit card sent to an address updated within 30 days this is considered HR.
If a member's number has been updated within 30 days are you able to send OTP?
Yes, if there is a green check mark given.
When do you give Codeword guidance?
Once your tenure reaches 90 days you are not required to use the HRV Wizard, it is however good practice.
Per the wizard, do you send OTP before or after the on-demand text for transfers over $1,000.00
Text, voice, email
You are able to email the member's username.
If the wizard instructs for a written request from the member in order to complete the transaction. What is the format for the written request?
All written requests, whether submitted via fax, mail or eMessage must have the following information:
When do you verify the Codeword?
Raising the DC POS limit, regardless of amount, is considered high risk.
False - only over $3,000
If a joint owner non-member cannot pass OTP due to the Red X in the wizard what is the next step?
Transaction must be handled by primary owner once OTP is passed
Can minors pass OTP?
You are able to run OTP if making an outbound call.