This is the best way to avoid feeling overwhelmed by assignments.
Starting your assignment as soon as you get them
This grade 9 elective lets you express yourself through acting.
Joining this type of activity is a great way to make new friends in high school.
Extracurricular clubs/sport
This tool helps you keep track of school events on your phone.
Gmail, Drive, and Google Calendar!
This person at school can help you choose courses and plan for graduation.
Guidance Counsellor
You should do this if you’re struggling with a class or assignment.
Ask your teacher for help
You need to complete this number of volunteer hours to graduate.
40 hours!
This end-of-year event celebrates athletic achievements at Immaculata.
The Athletic Banquet
This is the best way to avoid last-minute stress with assignments.
This high school test measures math skills learned up to grade 9.
It is the EQAO
This is why grade 9 classes are important for your future.
Start you off at a right foot for your future and helps you gain more knowledge. Also the credits counts towards graduation!
The total number of credits needed to graduate in Ontario.
You need 30 credits!
This certificate is awarded to students who finish 40 volunteer hours in grade 9.
Freshman 40!
You should always prioritize this over social distractions in high school.
This is the percentage of your grade that Rich Summative Tasks (RST) contribute in grade 9.
It is 30 %
Friends can be helpful in high school, but they should not do this.
Distract you from your work!
You need this test before finishing high school.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test!
Where can you find out about tryouts and field trips through this school resource.
School announcements
What is the first step to success?
is waking up and getting ready for school on time!
This is one of the nearby lunch spots you can visit during lunch privileges.
Subway, Habibi’s or Shula Wok
This tool will help you stay organized and manage your time effectively.
Make a schedule! (e.g use agenda or calendar)
The number of asynchronous e-learning course required before grad!
This medal is awarded to students who achieve 24 points or more in extracurricular activities.
Gold Medal🥇
This is the best way to ensure you don’t forget important deadlines or events.
Using a planner or calendar
You need this many credits in grade 9 to complete your first year of high school.
8 credits!