Financial Aid
Planning for College
Once in College
High School and Beyond in Everett Public Schools

Everyone can afford to go to college!

TRUE. Many colleges are expensive but attending college is NOT impossible. There are financial aid options available like scholarships, grants, work-study and student loans for all students. 


When we use the word “College”, we are talking about any education or training after High School. True or False?

True! The word College now refers to internships, technical/trade schools, community colleges, 4-year schools and universities. Right now, many high school students in Everett are taking classes that earn them certificates or college credits.


College will be too hard. 

FALSE! Any college or technical/training program is challenging, but there is always help available to access when needed.


A High School and Beyond Plan is a Washington State Graduation Requirement. 

TRUE. It helps students focus on setting goals and preparing for college and future work. 


It is a good idea to visit colleges before you have been admitted or to do plenty of research about the school or program that interests you.

TRUE! Visiting a college or school can help you decide what is right for you. The more you know, the better choices you will make!


Only straight A students receive financial aid.

FALSE. The vast majority of federal financial aid is based on financial need only. 


If you don’t know what to study, or what career you want to have, you should not go to college.

FALSE! Many students change their minds about their chosen career or what they want to study many times before they select a college or training program. Some students refine or change their course of study while in college as well.  Now is the time to take interesting classes, research different careers/ jobs and to learn about all the opportunities open to you in the future.

I wont fit in!
False. Colleges have students from all different backgrounds and, more than likely, you will find people who share the same interests as you. Join student clubs and participate in social activities where you can meet new people and build friendships.

Naviance is a personal tutoring program that will help you with your school work.

False! Naviance is a district online career and college planning tool. It will help you step by step plan for your future.


College or education after high school matters when it comes to getting a job or starting a career.

TRUE! Almost every job or career requires some sort of training or education post (after) high school. The more education you have, it is likely the more money you will make as well.

Scholarships are only for REALLY smart students.
FALSE. Scholarships are given for various reasons including athletics, public/community service, ethnic background, work study, need-based, and merit.

College is a long way off from now, it’s too early to think about it in middle school.

FALSE! It’s never too early to start to set goals and to plan. Planning now will allow you to be ready to attend any college of your choice after High School.

If you do not like your college, you can complete your education at a different college.
True! You can always transfer.

Naviance is like the Google for everything Career and College. 

TRUE! Students can research careers, colleges and training programs using Naviance. You can also learn more about your interests and abilities using their online surveys. In Naviance, you can also hear personal stories from a huge, diverse group of individuals who are in  careers or jobs that might interest you. 

If I haven't heard of a college or university, it can't be very good.
FALSE. Not all colleges receive the same recognition. Don't let name recognition determine a good or bad college.

Every family can afford a private college.

TRUE. Students sometimes receive more financial aid if their college costs are higher.


I can’t go to college because no one in my family did.

FALSE! Many students are first generation, they are the first in their family to go to college.

All you do is study...
FALSE! You can decide what to do with your free time. Colleges and universities have different opportunities where you can join sports and clubs, do community service, work or hang out with friends!

I can access Naviance anytime by going to Student Tools and using my student ID # and password. 

True! Naviance is accessible on any computer anywhere. Just go to the Naviance button under student tools.  

A lot of out-of-class activities will compensate for poor grades.
False. Colleges consider out-of-class activities such as athletics, student government, and music when they review an application. But colleges look at your academic performance first. There needs to be a balance between both.

Paying someone to search for scholarships will help you get more scholarships.

FALSE! You should never pay anyone! In high school you will have a College and Career Center that you can go to for help. 


To go to college I will have to go far away.

FALSE. Some students go far away and others stay close to home. It's your choice!

You can party ALL the time!
False! You are responsible for your own academics. Failing courses can cost you any financial aid received & may cause you to be put on academic probation, even kicked out!

In high school I will take a College and Career Readiness Seminar (CCRS). 

True! You will! This is a course you will take your 12th grade year where you will complete your High School and Beyond Plan. You will talk about things like how to finance your education, obtain employment, and how to be an adult. However, the work does start in middle school. 

Students who have AB540 status (or are undocumented) cannot go to college. 

FALSE. AB540 students CAN apply to any college, public or private. They can also apply to state aid! 
