Academic Achievement
Health & Wellness
College & Career Readiness

What is the staff uniform?

Think Together/college shirt (or the yellow vest), proper footwear, lanyard, and namebadge 

Bonus: business-casual pants (no leggings, ripped jeans, etc.)


What is the Study Center and what needs to be available?

Study Center is a quiet area that is free from distractions and resourced with appropriate materials and technology. In this space, students can work in groups or independently.


How often should there be an enrichment component?

 A minimum of 1 enrichment program a day is offered to expand student horizons.


How often should there be a Health & Wellness component?

A minimum of 1 health & wellness component is offered a day to support students’ healthy living choices.


Where should college and career resources be displayed and available?

Bonus: Where are they displayed at your site?

College and career resources are available and displayed in the teen center and other program locations. Students are aware of the resources and have used them.


What does LOS stand for and what is the definition?

Line of Sight.

Students must be within 10 feet of staff and in their direct line of sight (no students behind a staff's back or in an area without staff supervision while signed in program).


What is the mentorship grade check expectation?

Grade checks are implemented monthly with mentors. This includes opportunity to review transcripts to support college preparedness.


Lesson plan facilitation should include what 3 steps?

Staff lesson plan facilitation includes opening, activity, and debrief.


What 4 things should physical activity include?

Physical activities include warm up, activity, cool down, and debrief.


When do students engage in college and career exploration?

Students engage in college and career exploration during lessons.


What does MBWA stand for and what does it mean?

Manage by Walking Around. 

Staff should be on their foot moving around the environment to manage behavior and build relationships.


What is a TIF and when should they be utilized?

During any tutoring based program, including study center, students use TIFs (tutorial inquiry forms) as a resource when students ask for help.


What should be posted each lesson that communicates the learning goals/purpose of the component?

Staff communicate the learning goals and/or purpose of the component to students. Objectives for the lesson are visible on the board for students. Staff facilitate the activity in support of those learning goals and/or purpose.


What needs to be clear and visible for all physical activities (example, usually utilized by setting out cones)?

Staff set clear boundaries that are visible for all physical activities (e.g., cones).


How many college field trips per year should students have the opportunity to go to?

Students have the opportunity to go on at least one college field trip a year.


What are the Agreements and what are Environmental Agreements?

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Have Fun!

Environmental Agreements define each Agreement specific to the environment/offering.

Example of Envrionmental Agreement in Teen Center: "We can be safe by leaving our backpacks in the backpack zone and out of walkways."


What are Targeted Interventions?

Staff provide targeted supports for courses with high fail rates and for students who may need more support as identified by the school and/or department leadership. This includes, but is not limited to, the Athletic Tutorial program.


What should all enrichment components include that celebrates the student's accomplishments and connects them with the community?

All enrichment programs include a culminating event that connects to their community to share exemplar work and celebrate their accomplishments.


According to the CPA, how can staff include emotional safety in physical activity?

Physical activities are emotionally safe (e.g., teams are picked at random, youth are encouraged to do their best, varied activities appeal to youths’ interests and skill levels). [QSAT]


Program staff are expected to provide accurate information to students about what?

Program staff provide accurate information about college and career opportunities to students to support college exploration and preparation. The information should support students to understand the application process and requirements.


What is in the Visitor's Binder? (Name at least 3 items in the Visitor's Binder)

Bonus: Where is your site's Visitor's Binder located?

The Visitor's Binder includes: Introduction to the program, After School Alignment and School Accountability Report Card (SARC), Meet the Team, Schedules, Calendars, and school map, Testimonials, Student Leadership information, Program Flyers, and a visitor's sign-in sheet.

Bonus: SPM confirms location


What high stakes testing support should be available in the Study Center and what should they align with?

Students receive support for high stakes testing like end of term tests, AP Exams, ACT, and/or SAT exams. Support is scheduled in advance and/or evident on a calendar. This should be offered in alignment to the school day.


According to the CPA, what type of workshops need to be offered each engagement cycle from the Mentorship Continuum?

Students are consistently offered standardized, grade level specific, skill building and/or life-skills workshops each engagement cycle per the Mentorship Continuum.


According to the CPA, how can staff emphasize character-building components of physical activity?

Staff emphasize character-building components of physical activities (e.g., playing by the rules, treating opponents with respect, learning from mistakes). [QSAT]


What learning should all staff and students understand and articulate that they are obtaining from participation in this program?

All staff and students understand & articulate that through participation in this program, they are learning skills to help them succeed in their post-secondary plans.
