Choosing the Right School
First Day Feels
What’s Important
High School Life
Activities & Fun

You should visit this event to meet schools and see what they offer (hint: you’re at one now!).

What is a high school fair?


On your first day, you’ll get this piece of paper to help you find your classes.

What is a schedule?


This number, which reflects your grades, is very important for both graduating and applying to college.

What is GPA (Grade Point Average)?


This is the event where students dress up and celebrate at the end of the year.

What is prom?


Joining this type of group lets you compete, whether it’s basketball, soccer, or volleyball.

What is a sports team?


What are electives?

When picking a high school, it’s important to ask about these classes that let you explore your interests.


It’s normal to feel this emotion on your first day of high school, but everyone goes through it!

What is nervous or excited?


If you miss a lot of these, it could affect your grades and success in school.

What are classes or school days?


You’ll usually have this many classes each day, more than in middle school!

What are 6 to 8 classes?


If you like acting or performing, you should join this after-school activity.

What is drama club or theater?


If you want to attend a school focused on science, math, or technology, you should look for this type of program.

What is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)?


 Who is the guidance counselor?

This person will be key in helping you pick classes and making sure you’re on track to graduate.


High school students take these at the end of each semester to show what they’ve learned.

What are finals or exams?


The first football game and school dance of the year are part of this fun tradition.

 What is homecoming?


Being involved in this group can help you organize school events and make decisions for your class.

What is student council?


Schools with this special designation may offer challenging classes that can give you college credit early.

 What is Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB)?


On the first day, students usually hear announcements about this after-school time when they can join fun groups or teams.

 What are clubs and activities?


Keeping track of this (assignments, homework, projects) is key to doing well in high school.

What is your workload or homework?


This group of friends or peers can influence your high school experience, but it's important to choose wisely!

What is a friend group or clique?


High schools often have clubs based on these subjects, like chess, robotics, or yearbook.

What are hobbies or interests?


You can ask the school representatives about this number that shows how many students graduate and go on to college.

What is the graduation rate or college acceptance rate?


If you’re lost or unsure where to go, ask this person for help—they're there to support you.

Who is a teacher or upperclassman?


Managing these two things will help you balance school life and personal life.

What are time and stress?


Schools often hold this event to get students excited and cheer on sports teams.

What is a pep rally?


Participating in community service or volunteering through school activities is a great way to help others and build this.

 What is leadership or experience?
