Graduation Requirements
High School Terminology
High School Terminology 2
College Preperation

The number of credits needed to graduate from High School

22 credits

What does GPA stand for?
Grade Point Average

Who can help you determine what level of a course to take in high school?

School Counselor, teacher, yourself


True or False Being actively involved in school or community groups will help me get into college?



What is a scholarship?

FREE Money. Scholarships are usually merit based and tend to focus on grades, leadership, community involvement, athletics, and over coming obstacles.

The number of years of English required to graduate
4 years
What is a transcript?
Official school record of your grades, attendance, GPA, class rank and test scores (MCA, ACT etc.)
Explain Advanced Placement or "AP" Classes
A series of voluntary exams based on college-level courses taken in high school. High school students who do well on one or more of these exams have the opportunity to earn credit, advanced placement, or both for college.

How many service learning hours do you need to graduate High school?

25 hours..needs to be logged and the high school counselors will explain more.


True or False: Colleges will not see my transcript when I am applying to their school.



What could happen if you miss an excessive number of classes in high school?

You fail the class

What is a class rank?
A ranking of students based on GPA. The student with the highest GPA is ranked #1 and the second highest GPA is 2 and so on. (e.g. 54/372)
What is an Elective Course?
A course a student may select beyond the core requirements

True or False: You have to take a minimum of 2 year World Language to graduate High School.



Each high school has a different programs at their schools.  Can you tell me at least one program at one of the high schools?


  • Social Justice Academy (SJA)

Chapel Hill HS: 

  • Academy of Information of Technology (AOIT)

    • Must apply freshman year

  • Academy of Visual & Performing Arts

  • Public Safety Academy

  • EMT

  • Firefighter Academy


  • Academy of International Studies

Besides English, name three other required courses needed to graduate
Math (algebra, geometry,) Social Studies (Am. History, World History, Geography) Science (biology chemistry, physics)
What is does extra curricular mean?
An activity that takes place outside of class

Explain the Honors classes mean?

More advance/challenging classes .5 is added to a honors class, so you get an A unweighted would be 4, weighted is 4.5.


Name 3 ways to start preparing for college as a 9th grader

Get good grades in high school; get volunteer experience for resumes, scholarships, and recommendations; go on as many college visits as you can; start getting ideas about careers you could see yourself working; job shadow; ask questions!


True or False: You have to be in good academic standing in order to play a sport in HS.

Must pass 5 classes and have a 2.0 or higher


What happens if you do not earn enough credits for the year?

9th to 10th:  Earn 5 credits, including 1 credit of English and 1 credit of Social Studies.  

10th to 11th:  Earn 10 credits, including 2 credits of English, 2 credits of Social Studies, 1 credit of Math, and 1 credit of Science.

11th to 12th:  Earn 14 credits, including 3 English credits, 3 Social Studies credits, 2 Math credits, and 2 Science credits.

    ** Students begin working on Service hours in 9th grade and complete them by 12th to be able to graduate**


Do colleges look at Weighted GPA or unweighted GPA?

They look at both.  Unweighted GPA is 4.0 Weighted GPA 5.0


When you graduate from high school, your Principal will hand you a . . . .



What are 3 ways you can find a college that is the right fit for you?

Talk to school counselors and any EAST/CHHS/CHS staff! Go on college visits. Do your own research online. Speak with friends and family who have experience.


What is the average yearly cost of college (tuition, room and board, books, fees, etc.) for a 1. 2 year college 2. 4 year public college 3. 4 year private college

1. $15,000 ($3000 tuition, fees and $12000 room/board, books) 2. $22,000 ($9000 tuition, fees and $13000 room/board, books) 3. $50,000 ($30000 tuition, fees and $20000 room/board, books)
