During MIST, Al-Ikhlas is known as the ATA ______?
Fill in the blank.
This teacher is known for his very active teaching skills, meaning he jumps on desks to get his point across.
Brother Shamsiddeen
What was the first sin to ever be committed in Islam?
This Youtuber has a show specifically dedicated to memes, called Meme Review, with over sixty episodes.
Which fictional city is the home of Batman?
Gotham City
What did ATA place last year during MIST?
3rd Place
This teacher is famous for his excellent smelling abilities. (You'll never get away with chewing gum or eating around him)
Brother Mikail
Within the span of one year, the Prophets wife Khadijah, and his uncle and protector, Abu Talib, died. What was the name of this year?
The Year of Sorrow; Am al-Huzn
Which Instagram post beat Kylie Jenner's record of 18 million likes?
The World Record Egg
By what title were the leaders of ancient Egypt known?
Name all the science classes you take in high school at ATA.
Physical science, biology, chemistry, and physics.
When is Brother Nadir's birthday?
September 26
What was the first major battle in Islam in the time of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)?
Battle of Badr
This app became a platform for many viral videos and challenges including the "Hit or Miss" trend.
What is the formal word for a fear of tight or small places?
What number graduating class is the class of 2020?
What does Sister Muslimatu use to get her class to be quiet sometimes?
A bell (We're not cows, sister)
On the day of Judgement, there will be seven types of people who will receive shade, name at least three of these people.
- The just ruler
- A young man who grows up worshiping his lord
- Two people who love each other for the sake of Allah
- A man who is called by a woman of rank and beauty and says “I fear Allah”
-A man who gives charity and conceals it to such an extent that his left hand does not see what his right hand gives
- A man who remembers Allah when he is alone and his eyes tear up
- A man whose heart is attached to the masjid
This "The Muppets" character has gained even more fame after being used for countless memes.
Kermit the Frog
How many rings make up the Olympic Games symbol?
What is ATA's fax number?
How long has Sis Muslimatu taught at ATA
What is the name of the mountain where the Cave of Hira is located in?
Jabal al Nour
Which actor, known recently for his cast in John Wick, became more famous through memes because of how wholesome he was?
Keeunu Reeves
What is the name of the first Harry Potter book?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone