Disney Deaths
STEM Careers
You Have A Dirty Mind
High School Anime
"High School" Anime
In Wreck-It Ralph (2012), this ruler of "Sugar Rush" is turned into a Cy-Bug and flies, mesmerized, towards the Mentos-based explosion at Diet Cola Mountain. He flies into the light and is instantaneously vaporized, dying a permanent death.
Who is King Candy (or Turbo)?
Web Developer
What is Technology?
Pound this item to a rhythmic beat! You can use sticks if you want, but hands are OK too!
What is a drum?
Dead students in the afterlife-refusing to move onto the next life- join the Afterlife Battlefront (Shinda Sekai Sensen), led by Yuri, who wages war against the "evil" girl Tenshi.
What is "Angel Beats"?
Issei Hyoudou, run-of-the-mill pervert, is brought into the world of angels and devils. On his first date, he's killed by a fallen angel. Fortunately, a top-class devil- AKA Rias Gremory, the prettiest girl on campus- reincarnates him as her servant.
What is High School DxD?
This is why you don't wear a cape, as shown in The Incredibles (2004). This "hero" was pulled into his hoverjet's left turbine, diced and sliced by the spinning blades, and incinerated in the explosion thereafter.
Who is Syndrome (or Buddy Pine)?
Aerospace Engineer
What is Engineering?
Bruce Lee has a short one of these, but Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. The Pope? He doesn't use it!
What is a surname?
Ryuuji Takasu- a Dragon with an intimidating face but gentle nature- and Taiga Aisaka- the Palmtop Tiger with a doll-like stature yet feisty personality- cross paths due to an embarrassing mistake. The duo decides to form an alliance to get with their respective crushes, which forms a love pentagon in the process.
What is Toradora?
The tomboyish Haruhi Fujioka stumbles into a club which entertains female "clients" with tea and sweets. Upon breaking an $80,000 antique, she's made into an errand boy. After being a "natural" with the ladies, she becomes a fully-fledged "Host".
What is "Ouran High School Host Club"?
In Tarzan (1999), this veteran hunter cut down his last life-vine of support with his machete, causing him to be hung to his death, his neck snapping in the rain and body temporarily illuminated by a flash of lightning.
Who is Clayton?
What is Science?
With fuzzy balls like these, you just know someone's going to get beaten! This game often starts with love, but that just doesn't last...
What is tennis?
80% of humanity possess "quirks", or superpowers, leaving the other 20% "quirk-less" or powerless. Izuku "Deku" Midoriya is one such individual, but his personal idol- All Might- bears fruit to his persistence. With his newly inherited quirk, One for All, Izuku enrolls in UA High and starts his training to become the #1 hero.
What is My Hero Academia?
Siblings Tatsuya and Miyuki Shiba enroll into First High School- an institution for magicians. While the prodigious Miyuki is placed as a "Bloom", her brother Tatsuya is relegated to "Weed" status. Despite his practical ineptness, his technical knowledge is vastly superior, making him an "Irregular" at this magic high school.
What is "The Irregular at Magic High School"?
In Aladdin (1992), this henchman of Jafar entered the Cave of Wonders. As he was not a "Diamond in the Rough", he was promptly clamped down by the tiger god's fangs upon entering.
Who is Gazeem?
What is Mathematics?
This word starts with an "F" and ends with a "K", and you can use it to put meat in your mouth. If you decide against it, oh well! You can use your hand or fingers instead!
What is a fork?
Yuki Takeya loves her school- Megurigaoka High School- so much that she lives a carefree, blissful life as a member of the School Living Club, which aims to make the most of school. However, things are not as they seem in Yuki's bubble of illusion. The real purpose of the club is to escape the horde, as they've barricaded themselves inside of a school, being the sole survivors of the apocalyptic attack.
What is "School Live"?
In present-day Japan, the world is struck by a pandemic that turns humans into "them". A group of Fujimi High School students (and the school nurse) struggle to survive after the "Outbreak". This story follows the perspective of Takashi Komuro.
What is "High School of the Dead"?
This gruesome death from the Oliver & Company (1988) film is what people nowadays can call #relatable. Bill Sykes, a Mafia crime boss, is obliterated by this transportation vehicle while chasing the animals on the Brooklyn Bridge. Sykes and his car are obliterated, discarding whatever was left of his remains in the nearby Hudson River.
What is a train?
What is Medicine?
This wasn't a maiden for very long! Over 2,000 people came and about 1,500 went down when something really big and hard ripped into it.
What is the Titanic?
After a mysterious creature cuts the moon, the students of Class 3-E of Kunigigaoka Middle School are confronted with the task of assassinating said creature. However, the monster dubbed as the "indestructible teacher" is more than just invincible; he's also a fearsome instructor and the best they've ever had.
What is "Assassination Classroom"?
Three students of Sanada North High School- Tadakuni, Yoshitake Tanaka, and Hidenori Tabata- are followed in this slice-of-life and coming-of-age story chronicling the daily interactions of these boys.
What is "Daily Lives of High School Boys"?