You are watching tv with your bother. You open a bag of gummy bears, and unexpectedly sneeze. You reach into the bag and ask your brother, "Do you want some?" He responds like this.
What does this face and expression mean? What is he thinking?
No thank you!
He just sneezed on the gummy bears. I don't want his germs.
You planned to study for your exam today, but your friend calls you and says, "I really need to pick your brain about this problem."
What should you say/do?
talk for a little on the phone, and then study
ask if you can talk at a different time and call them back
What does compromise mean? Why is compromise important?
Before I went up to perform, my mom wished me good luck and said "break a leg sweetie!"
What does she mean?
she's saying good luck
she's wishing you the best
True or False
If you don't understand the instructions of what you are supposed to do, you can ask for help.
You asked your friend to bring an extra water bottle with her, but she forgot. She makes this face.
What does it mean and what is she thinking?
sorry regretful
she's thinking "whoops. my bad."
Your friend is mad at you for something, but you don't think you did anything wrong. What can you do?
apologize, say sorry, listen, explain that it was not your intention to hurt their feelings
True or False
You are getting answers wrong during a group game and you're beginning to feel upset and disappointed. You should get frustrated and say "I don't know! Stop asking these questions."
take a few deep breaths and ask to take a break
My classmate whispered to me that a video game is coming out on Friday. When I asked if I could tell a friend, he said, "No way! Don't let the cat out of the bag?"
What does he actually mean?
don't tell anyone else because it's a secret
Your friend is moving away and you feel really sad. What can you do?
You can make a plan to stay in contact over the phone and plan visits.
Right or Wrong
Candace has been talking about her engagement for 2 weeks now. She's super excited and flashing her ring. Her friend Sarah makes this expression.
What does that expression mean? What is she thinking?
Annoyed or jealous.
She wants Candace to stop talking about it.
People are making fun of your friend and you see them calling him names. What should you do?
stand up for your friend and tell an adult if needed. Talk to your friend after and make sure they're ok.
True or False
If you are feeling frustrated you should talk to your parents, counselor, a friend or staff.
Your mom walks in the room and sees you playing video games. She says to you “There are groceries in the car.”
What does she actually mean?
True or False
It's appropriate to give a nickname to someone you don't know very well.
Your friend is trying to tell you about a movie she recently saw. She can't remember all of the pieces, so she keeps restarting or saying "Wait! No that's not right." You make this expression.
What does this face mean? What are you thinking?
Confused. Uncertain.
Thinking, "What are you talking about?"
What can you do if you are stuck inside during COVID-19 and you are feeling sad and isolated from friends?
ask to video chat with friends, ask to meet a friend outside, call a friend, play video games online with friends
True or False
You stated up too late playing video games last night. You decide to turn off your alarm to get some more sleep and then go to school in your pajamas. You don't brush your teeth or hair and don't put on deodorant because you are in a hurry so you don't miss the bus. This is a good choice to make.
When Jeremy angrily threw his book on the floor in class, Mr. Gonzalez rebuked him and said "shape up or ship out!"
What does he mean?
Fix your attitude/behavior or leave.
A friend asks you to do something you know is inappropriate/wrong. What do you do?
Just say "no thanks."
In history class, you are discussing politics. Your classmate Lauren shares her opinion, and another classmate says, "That's stupid. You clearly don't know anything about politics. You should leave that to men." Lauren makes this face.
What does it mean? What is she thinking?
annoyed. irritated. bothered. upset
Thinking, "Stop talking", "That's a disgusting thing to say", "Go away", etc.
True or False
A friend has said something that hurts your feelings. You should get frustrated and say "You're so selfish. You only think about you."
Your friends are having a conversation, you've got some exciting news to share with them, so you cut in their conversation without excusing yourself.
Is this appropriate?
You should ask to share and wait for their response.
I really wanted to play video games, so I cut a few corners and rushed through my essay. When Mr. Washington read it, he scolded me and said "This is not your best. Stop cutting corners."
What does "cutting corners" mean?
To not do your best
To do something poorly
To not finish something/not complete it
True or False
It's appropriate to stand vey close to someone while talking to them.
You should keep a safe distance, especially during COVID