This key term means "drawing oddly-shaped district lines for political advantage."
What is Gerrymandering? (p. 97)
This key term represents the person who serves as the highest-ranking representative of one nation in another nation.
Who is an ambassador (p 362)
What is the 4th amendment?
What is the minimum age to serve as President.
What is the Department of State?
This key term defines these representatives of groups. They seek to influence laws and policies.
Who are Lobbyists? (p. 128)
This term is defined as: "Private individuals and companies own the means of production"
What is capitalism (p 387)
The right to a trial by jury
What is the 7th amendment
Must have been a US Citizen for at least 7 years.
Who is a Congressman?
This US Department manages Federal finances, collects taxes, and produces coins and paper currency.
What is the Department of Treasury?
This key term is defined as: "An attempt by a minority of senators to delay action by holding the Senate floor and talking"
What is a filibuster (p 133)
What is communism (p 389)
Freedom of speech, religion, the press, and assembly
What is the minimum age to serve as Congressman
This US Department serves to protect our country and our vital interests from attack and to provide a military response when our enemies do attack.
What is the US Department of Defense?
This key terms is defined as: "A statement by an arresting authority telling why a person is being held"
What is a writ of Habeas Corpus (p144)
This key term is defined as: "The conduct of relations among nations."
Must be a natural-born citizen.
Who is the President?
This US Department does NOT decorate the White House, instead, they seek to protect the natural environment, develops the country's natural resources, and manages national parks, monuments, and wildlife refuges.
The US Department of Interior.
This key term means "to accuse of wrongdoing"
What is impeachment (p147)
What is excise tax? (p 137-138)
The right to a speedy trial.
What is the 6th amendment?
Four-year term.
Who is the US President?
This US Department provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management.
What is the US Department of Agriculture?