Explain the expectation of participation in afterschool.
During activities you are doing something, and giving your best.
On what day does Nutrition and Grade Based Seminar occur?
True or false: Enrichments are optional offerings.
What is one benefit of engaging in physical activity?
One of the following:
Maintain healthy weight
Build Muscle
Reduce fat
Improve your mood/mental health
Improve memory
How many days must you attend program every week in order to receive any stipend?
You must attend at least 3 days to receive a stipend. (To achieve your full stipend amount, you must attend, participate, and be in good standing on all days of that program week.)
When it comes to respect, what/who should we be giving respect to (3 answers)?
Respect staff
Respect each other
Respect your spaces (leave them better than how you found them)
Essentially: respect everyone and everything
How many days does movement occur?
Every day
What is ONE additional offering that we offer at program (not an enrichment)
One of the following
Special Events
Investment Club
Name ONE reason we provide nutrition classes.
One of the following:
Knowing how to cook can save you money
Knowing how to cook is empowering
As young adults you must be educated consumers
What staircase must independent scholars quietly and safely walk down when being dismissed?
They must go down staircase C with their classroom staff in front
What does safety look like during program?
Here are some examples
- keeping your hands to yourself
-speaking at a safe volume
-not throwing objects in class
-listening to staff
Fun Filled Friday
What days do we have enrichment?
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, (and sometimes on Fridays).
What are the three components of Healthy Harlem that we implement into program?
Get Fit
Where will a parent pick up a dependent scholar, and what must they show before they can do so?
They will pick them up from the cafeteria
They must show their ID
What is appropriate communication in program?
Speaking without cursing
Being respectful
Using a reasonable volume- no screaming/yelling
What time does dismissal occur?
6:45-7:00pm (but can be later due to behavior, classroom appearance, and other unexpected occurrences)
Name all 6 enrichments and their leaders.
Dance- Ms. Aliyah and Mr. Chad
Music- Mr.Derrick
Fashion- Ms. Emma
Spoken Word- Ms. DeAnne
Visual Arts- Mr. Daniel
Boxing-Mr. Jessey
Who are your three Healthy Harlem staff?
Mr. Jessey (Sports and Rec Specialist)
Ms. Adiammi (Health Educator)
Ms. Nieyajaha (Health Coordinator)
Name our operational staff
Name our youth advocates
Ms. Darmarris, Mr. Keion, Ms. Sanyia
Ms. Miranda, Ms. Lanique, Ms. Nimrah, Ms. Adithi
Name all 7 classroom expectations
Cell phones away- be present in program
Sit in scholar approved seats
Noise level should be that of a table conversation
Take care of any space you use
Stay in classroom unless you have permission
Lights on at all times
Must be in a classroom with staff
At what time should activities/enrichments wrap up every day?
Monday-Thursday (6:30 pm)
Friday (5:30 pm)
Explain the point of offering enrichments.
Build skill
Explore and find your passion
Build mastery
Build your resume/create a professional portfolio
What is the nutrition and movement goal for scholars at healthy Harlem?
Scholars will attended and participated in 75% of the lessons.
In order to receive a stipend what must you do?
Attend program at least 3 days out of the week
Enroll in an enrichment
Attend Nutrition lessons or makeups
Meet with your youth advocate if you have one
Maintain respectful behavior and comply with the Code of Conduct
Have turned in an Intake Form