Hemiparesis, facial plegia, contralateral sensory loss, and hemineglect
AMS occurs when this 5th vital sign is low
This elevated BP
Avoid this procedure if you diagnose a brain abscess on CT
42-year-old man is brought to the ER by his brother because he has not been behaving like his normal self since yesterday. For the past three days, the patient also has had body aches, neck and back pain, and a fever. Temperature is 39.2°C, HR 112, and BP is 120/65. On physical examination, with the patient lying supine with his hips and knees flexed, a passive extension of the knees causes knee resistance due to pain. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis shows turbid fluid, high protein, and low glucose. This is caused by this bacterial.
Strep pneumo
Ataxia, nystagmus, vertigo, confusion
Post-ictal weakness
Todd's Paralysis
Usage of DOACs within this timeframe
48 hours
Vanco and cefepime
32 y/o man presents with recurring headaches for 3 years. He states that the headaches are severe and are located around the left eye. They are associated with unilateral lacrimation and rhinorrhea.
The treatment for this headache is this.
Contralateral lower extremity weakness and sensory loss
Ataxia, ophthalmoplegia, and confusion may occur with chronic visits to ACH-25
Wernicke's encephalopathy
Intracranial or spinal surgery within this timeframe
3 months
These antibiotics are used to treat brain abscesses without clear source
50 y/o with multiple sclerosis presents with double vision. The patient is noted to have an adduction deficit in the right eye and nystagmus in the left eye on leftward lateral gaze. He also has an adduction deficit in the left eye and nystagmus in the right eye on rightward lateral gaze. Extraocular movements are otherwise intact.
These symptoms are caused by a lesion in this portion of the CNS.
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
Vertigo, hiccups, ataxia, gait instability, dysarthia
Headache, delirium, cerebral edema occur with this... but don't treat too rapidly
Hypertensive encephalopathy (PRESS)
Recent ischemic stroke or severe head trauma within this timeframe
3 months
These two factors put you at high risk for spinal epidural abscesses
IVDA and immunocompromised state
25 y/o female is brought to the ER for a worsening headache. Initially, symptoms started as fever and nasal congestion with thick green nasal discharge ten days ago. She was diagnosed with viral sinusitis at urgent care. She is now experiencing a headache, double vision, sensitivity to light, and nausea, for 3 days Temperature is 39.2°C, HR 112, BP 98/67. Physical exam reveals bilateral periorbital erythema and edema, exophthalmos, lateral gaze palsy, and decreased facial sensation in the CNV distribution.
These symptoms are caused by this
Bilateral pyramidal tract symptoms
Vertigo, deafness, tinnitus
Meniere's disease
If currently suffering from this infectious condition
This treatment for brain abscess associated with recent neurosurgery
Ceftazidime and Vancomycin
BONUS 100 pts: +/- Rifampin
68 y/o male with a history of diabetes and HTN presents with right facial numbness and droop as well as right arm numbness/weakness for the past 3.5 hours. A CT head is performed on arrival and is negative for any acute pathology. Vital signs are: BP 195/105 mmHg, HR 90/min, RR 14/min, and O₂ sat 98%. Glucose is 410 mg/dL.
This is the absolute contraindication for TNK in this pt