Trisomy 21
Other Aneuploidies

The most common cardiac defect in patients with Trisomy 21.

Endocardial cushion (AV canal) defects such as Ventricular Septal Defect



A 3 year old presents with the following finding. What is the disease and inheritance pattern?

Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Autosomal Dominant mutations in COLA1/2 which encodes for collagen


Gower's Sign is seen in this condition. The mode of inheritance is ___.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

X-linked autosomal recessive deletion of dystrophin gene. 

Present with progressive weakness and calf pseudo-hypertrophy 

Can have scoliosis and cardiomyopathy


17 year old male presents to establish care. he recently immigrated from Colombia and had limited care previously. On exam you observe these signs. What is the most common cardiac defect in this syndrome?

a)Aortic dilation, dissection or regurgitation

b)Mitral Valve Prolapse 

Due to an Autosomal Dominant mutation in the fibrillin1 gene 


Hyperphagia and paternal deletion in chromosome 15 are the defining features of this syndrome.

Prader Willi Syndrome

Hypotonia, weak suck, short stature, hypogonadism, Intellectual disability


This disorder is common in Trisomy 21 patients and  presents with poor growth, weak cry and lethargy in infancy.


Kids with T21 have 28x greater prevalence compared to general population.

Primary autoimmune etiology.

Thyroid panel would show ____ TSH and ___ T4.


In this condition, most cases are secondary to a defect in the TYR gene that encodes for tyrosinase, an enzyme essential in the formation of ______.

Tyrosinase is needed for the production of melanin


A 3 month old male presents to your office with the following exam findings. In reviewing his chart you see that he has had 2 pneumonia infections since birth. What is the most likely syndrome?

Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome


A 16 year old female with a strong family history of MI under the age of 60, presents for a regular check up. You notice this on exam. What is the likely diagnosis and what is the inheritance pattern?

Familial Hypercholesterolemia 

Autosomal dominant


Polydactylyl, cleft palate. holoproencephaly and low set ears are seen in this syndrome.

Trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome)

Due to the presence of several life-threatening medical problems (midline defects) , many infants with trisomy 13 die within their first days or weeks of life. Only five percent to 10 percent of children with this condition live past their first year. 


A male with Trisomy21 is born at 40weeks genstation to a 39 yo G1P0 via c-section. While performing your newborn exam, what are the most common findings you would find on :

face? hands? feet?

Face: Oblique palpebral fissures, Big tongue , White spots on iris

Hands: Single Palmer Crease

Feet: Wide spaced 1st and 2nd toes


What is the name of this rash and what is syndrome is it associated with?

Port Wine Stain

Sturge Weber

intellectual disability, seizures, visual impairment due to capillary venous malformations.


A 17 year old male with a history of kyposcoliosis is admitted to the ICU after he is found to be in heart failure in the emergency room. His neuro exam is significant for areflexia and ataxic gait. This disorder _______,  is due to trinucleotide ___ repeat expansion on chromosome 9.

Friedrich Ataxia 



A 14 year old girl presents to your clinic and is found to have short stature, webbed neck and shield chest. What is the most common cardiac defect found in this patient?

Bicuspid Aortic Valve (15-30%)

Coarctation of the Aorta (7-18%)


In this genetic disorder, overlapping fingers and rocker bottom feet are commonly seen on exam.

Trisomy 18

also known as Edwards Syndrome


Infants with Trisomy 21 are at greater risk of this malignancy.

What is acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) OR  acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) 

AMKL has 500x increased risk (very rare in gen population)

ALL has 20x increased risk.


Mom brings in her 2 year old after she notices these two spots on her child's legs. What is this lesion called and what is it associated with?

Ash leaf spot 

Tuberous Sclerosis

Most common Neurocutaneous disorder (after NF), brain hamartomas. Hypo pigmented ash leaf spots and shagreen patches


A 4 month old presents to her pediatrician for difficulty feeding. On exam you note she is hyper reflexive and you see this finding on the retina

What is the name of this disorder and what is the inheritance pattern?

  • Neimann Pick - AR, Ash Jewish, onset 2-6 mo | Sphingomyelinase deficiency  |loss od motor milestones, hypotonia, feeding diff, cherry red macula, hepatosplenomegaly, areflexia
  • Tay-Sachs - AR, Ash Jewish, onset 2-6 mo | B-hexosaminidase A deficiency | loss of motor milestones, hypotonia, feeding difficulties, cherry red macula, hyperreflexia

Patients with DiGeorge Syndrome are at greater risk for this cardiac constellation that includes a boot shaped heart.

Tetrology of Fallot 


In this syndrome, patients are commonly described as having "Elfin facies" and a friendly demeanor with strangers.

Williams syndrome

Microdeletion in chromosome 7q

also may have cardiovascular problems and hypercalcemia (due to increased sensitivity to vitamin D)


Prenatal "Quad" testing and ultrasound will likely reveal the following findings:

AFP ______

Estriol _____

hCG _____

Inhibin A _____

st trimester Ultrasound _____

AFP low 

Estriol low 

hCG high 

Inhibin A high

Ultrasound - Nuchal translucency (>3mm)


This skin finding is part of the Triad (along with fibrous dysplasia of bone and precocious puberty)  in what genetic disorder?

Café-au-lait skin spots

McCune Albright Syndrome


A newborn with newly diagnosed sickle cell disease presents to you office for a newborn visit. Mom asks what are the chances that her future kids will also have sickle cell anemia?

Mom is a carrier and had has the disease.



Teenagers with this disorder present with facial weakness, hand grip myotonia and unfortunatley will pass from cardiomyopathy.

Myotonic Dystrophy 

Autosomal Dominant expansion of CTG trinucleotide in DMPK gene on 19q


In this syndrome, thymic dysplasia leads to T cell deficiences and subsequent vulnerbility to viral and fungal infections.

Di George syndrome 

  • 22q11.2 deletion  -defective development of pharyngeal pouches
  • Conotruncal cardiac defects (TOF, truncus arteriosus, interrupted aortic arch)
  • Abnormal facies
  • Thymic hypoplasia/aplasia (T cell deficiency à fungal and viral infections)
  • Craniofacial deformities (cleft palate)
  • Hypocalcemia/hypoparathyroidism à seizures, spasms