Benefits of Higher Level Thinking
Forms of Higher Level Thinking
Strategies for Stimulating Creative Thinking
Applications of the skills in Academic Setting
Process of Brainstorming

True or False is Higher-level thinking a skill that can last a lifetime?

True, higher-level thinking is a skill that’s retained on a long-term basis and can be used throughout life.


What form of higher-level thinking can be defined as breaking down information into its essential elements or parts?

Analytical thinking (Analysis)


Which is NOT a strategy to stimulate creative thinking?

  • Be experimental

  • Reorganize the problem

  • Use the internet

  • Take a break

Use the internet


Thinking about how you are thinking to be aware of your engagement



True or False, the process of brainstorming can only be engaged in alone

False, the process of brainstorming can be engaged alone or with others


Define higher-level thinking

To think and analyze something beyond the obvious and find the deeper meaning


Which is NOT a key perspective listed in Chapter 8?

-Perspective of Person (self)

-Perspective of Life

-Perspective of Place 

-Perspective of Time

 Perspective of Life


Which strategy is demonstrated by this scenario?

  • During a math exam, Toni is stuck on the last question. She tries one method but her answer does not match any of the answer choices. She decides to do another method, but again, wrong answer. She keeps trying and does not give up and after her fifth try, she successfully got the correct answer.

Be persistent


 How can you use synthesis to deepen your understanding?

 Integrating ideas from your reading to information you learned in class


How many steps in the brainstorming process involve divergent thinking?

 2 steps


What types of skills are today's employers looking for?

The ability to critically think and problem solve


Statistics show that 75% of students who change their first answer on a multiple choice test get it correct.

Empirical (observational) evidence


Which strategy is demonstrated by this scenario?

  • Anthony is working on a school project. He’s been sitting at his desk for two hours thinking of an interesting way to format his poster board. He decides to stand up and walk around his neighborhood to hopefully think of new ideas. After he got back home, he successfully thought about a few unique and great ideas of how he could potentially set up his project.

Get mobile


Dissecting a chapter of a textbook to discover key ideas within the content

Analytical thinking


True or False, creativity happens suddenly and effortlessly

 False, creativity takes sustained mental effort and review


Exercising the brain with higher-level thinking reduces the risk of what disease?

Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of late-life dementia


Name the 3 types of evidence mentioned in balanced thinking?

Definitive, suggestive, inconclusive


Which strategy is demonstrated by this scenario?

  • Right before an exam, Angela is going through flashcards of different formulas for calculus problems. Ten minutes later, the test is handed out and Angela puts her flashcards away. She gets to a problem that looks very familiar. She thinks for a couple seconds and suddenly the formula she needed popped into her head. She quickly wrote the formula before it escaped her head.

Get it down


How can you help yourself emulate thinking skills to use on your exams?

Think not only about the content that professors are teaching but what thinking process they are using. 


Which brainstorming step does this scenario demonstrate?

- Angela is jotting down as many ideas as she can possibly think in her notebook in preparation for an essay, but then erases the ideas she feels aren’t the best. 

Step 1 + Step 3
