This person is in charge of our school
Mr. Ryburn
This teacher thinks he is really funny but really is not.
Mr. Walker
This team will win the 2020 Super Bowl
What was the first animal to get the corona virus
What is the mascot of Highland
Scotty Dog
This person is leads "Mindful Mondays"
Mrs. Raasch
This teacher likes to give really hard math problems.
Mr. Gribble
Hulk Hogan was involved in which sport
This animal is known to be one of the smartest animals in the world
Name the author that the 4th grade studied this year
Patricia "Patty" Polacco
This person challenges you to be creative with your mind and hands
Mrs. Elsbury
This teacher is the youngest 4th Grade teacher.
Ms. Downey
Joe Burrow was the first overall pick in which sport draft?
This animal can reproduce the sounds of the human language.
Which famous 4th grader dressed up as Darth Vader
Jacob Kosmicki
This person knows how to rollerblade
Mr. Ackland
This teacher likes when kids sit and learn in creative ways?
Mrs. Scheuring
The famous Williams sisters play which sport?
This arachnid has a forwarded curve venomous tail.
What did the 4th Grade Team dress up as during Halloween
Mario Kart
This person uses a phone most of the day.
Mrs. DeeDee
This 4th Grade teacher makes honey
Mr. Gribble
The highest high school girls basketball recruit in the nation is from Minnesota?
Paige Bueckers
This mythical animal is the state animal of Scotland
Name one hobby of Mr. Ryburn
Raising chickens or collecting ties