This early expansion was the first set to feature Legendary cards
What is Legends?
This cycle of cards, banned in Pioneer at its inception, are considered some of the most powerful cards ever printed.
What are fetchlands?
This type of event used to hand out promos for participation. It is often used as an offhand for local store events even if they don't take place on a particular day.
What is Friday Night Magic?
Magic the Gathering was created by this Mathematics professor from Whitman College in Washington. He is also the great-great grandson of a US President.
Who is Richard Garfield?
This technical term helps determine what features each color has, and helps create strengths and weaknesses for each.
This Artifact from Betrayers of Kamigawa let's you bypass rule 704.5j from the comprehensive rules, better known as the "legend rule"
what is Mirror Gallery?
This mechanic was the first to receive a power level errata.
What is Companion?
This befuddling instant caused quite a stir when it was released. After all, reading the card explains the card.
What is Cryptic Command?
This corporation acquired Wizards of the Coast early on its life, in September of 1999.
What is Hasbro?
This set was the first to truly codify two-color archetype names in the wider Magic the Gathering community.
This card type, released in 2007, is currently the only card type to always be legendary.
What are Planeswalkers?
This mechanic is banned in every sanctioned Magic the Gathering event and format. Failure to do so may cause legal complications.
What is Ante?
This series of promos was the first time reserved list cards had been printed in foil.
What are Judge promos?
Wizards of the Coast spent some time as the printer and publisher of this competitor in the TCG scene.
What is Pokemon TCG?
Although often referred to as Mardu, Jeskai, or Abzan, this technical term meant a 3 color combination before the printing of Khans of Tarkir.
What are Wedges?
This Legendary dragon has seen 6 unique printings as a legendary creature. He can often be seen giving you card advantage.
Who is Niv-Mizzet?
This card was the only card banned in Vintage for power balance reasons.
Who is Lurrus, of the Dream Den?
This type of promo used to always be the same card, until Khans of Tarkir, where it become randomized.
What are Pre-release promos?
This TV channel once upon a time broadcasted the Magic the Gathering World Championships.
What is ESPN?
This color had its icon changed early in Magic's history, in fact it remains the only color to have had its symbol changed since Alpha.
What is white?
These five legendary dragons are the basis for Magic the Gathering's most popular format, Commander. Also known as Elder Dragon Highlander
Who are Arcades Sabboth, Chromium, Nicol Bolas, Palladia-Mors, and Vaevicits Asmadi?
This 4 mana enchantment was restricted in Vintage, Magic's most powerful format. Or was it 2 mana?
What is Orcish Oriflamme?
This artifact, which you had to mail in proof of purchase to a book publisher to obtain, was one major reason mechanically unique promos stopped being printed.
What is Mana Crypt?
What is Dungeons and Dragons?
Although expansions today are printed in the same color backs as core sets, the first expansion, Arabian Nights, was originally going to be printed with backs of this color.
What is Purple?