A choice that involves making a determination, a conclusion, or a judgement
Measuring the exposure to possible loss or harm
Evaluating Risks
Shared ideas, activities, language, and social expressions of the members of one group that distinguishes it from another
A situation, person, place, or thing that causes a emotional response.
Respectful exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between speaker and listener in such a way that listener interprets the message in the same way the speaker intended
Effective communication
Choosing behaviors that promote and enhance our well-being and avoiding behaviors that harm us
To have respect, esteem, or appreciation for an object, relationship or idea
Are media messages always honest about what we believe and how problems are solved in the real world?
What are 2 consequences for not learning how to manage emotions?
making decisions that hurt others, damaging relationships, developing physical illnesses, feeling unhappy about your life
Understanding and being sensitive to the other persons feelings, thoughts and experience
What are 4 things people do to protect or improve their health?
exercise, eat healthy, don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, stay out of violent situations, read, etc.
Why do we need to take risks occasionally?
To grow and learn new things about ourselves
shaping messages so they attract a specific message so they attract a specific group of people who share individual or cultural interests, beliefs, and practices
A technique that helps us check whether our emotional responses and physical reactions to triggers are realistic and in-line with the situation
What are 2 examples of relationship types?
parent/child, classmates, best friends, boss/employee, bf/gf, teammates, etc.
What are 4 benefits of taking care of our health?
Feel better, more stamina, better physical shape, better focus, don't get sick often, etc.
Know what type of risktaker you are, be aware of group energy, watch out for influences of drugs and alcohol, know that some things there are no safe levels of risk, talk it out with someone you trust, if you've done something before your perception of the riskiness is lower.
What are the 6 main types of media?
Internet, Music, television, movies, books, magazines
What are the 3 re-framing techniques?
Reality check, double standard, and past experiences
What are the 5 relationship qualities?
respect, accountability, trust, safety, and honesty
What does PROPS stand for?
Pause, Reflect, Options, Prioritize, Select
What does substance use have to do with risks?
Increases levels of risk and probability of harm for things that are considered low risk
What are the 5 major reasons for using media?
entertainment, excitement, coping, identification with a group, seeking information
A technique that helps to focus and settle the physical effects of strong emotions and thoughts that accompany them
physical traits, personality, intellect, background, talents, politics, interests