What are the names of the four library/media centers?
What is...Central Library, East Library, South Technology Center (STC)/Media Center, ChromeZone
Name two programs that are hosted for incoming freshmen
What is Incoming Freshman Registration Week, Incoming Freshman Orientation Night, Course Selection Night, Freshmen Orientation, New Student Lunch, Summer School?
Name at least three ways you can get involved at ETHS
What is.. Ambassador, Clubs & Activities, Community Service, Daily Bulletin, Dances, Evanstonian, Sports, Friday Songs, Honor Societies, Student Government, The Hub?
The staff person who helps you with picking out what classes you are interested in taking and talking through academic goals/needs
Who is a counselor?
What is STC or the Media Center?
Where is the New Student Transition Office Located?
What is the Welcome Center or E112
Name at least two supports/services that The Hub offers
What is... Academic study center, College and Career Services, Community Service Office, Credit Recovery, Homework Center, Monday Afternoon Study Hall, Student Activities Office, Youth Job Center Office, Wildkit Academy
The staff person you can go to that provides mental health services
What is School Social Worker?
Where should I go if I'm having technical issues with my Chromebook?
What is the Chromezone?
What is 62 acres?
What are Friday Songs?
What is the same song being played every Friday morning as a part of morning announcements?
Name at least three people at ETHS you can go to if you need to report bullying, harassment, or discrimination?
What is dean, counselor, social worker, psychologist, Title IX Coordinator, Principal Campbell, anonymous tip suggestion?
Which library houses a lot of fiction, short stories, and career information?
What is East Library?
What is the Evanstonian?
What is ETHS' student run newspaper?
What is the difference between a counselor and a school social worker?
What is... Counselors you would typically go to for any academic needs and social workers for emotional/mental health needs