The female protagonist in "The Highwayman".
Who is Bess or the landlord's daughter?
This is how the reader feels while reading a text.
What is mood?
A comparison between two unlike things using "like" or "as."
What is a simile?
"The road was a ribbon of moonlight" - Identify this type of figurative language.
What is a metaphor?
This word describes the action of braiding or intertwining strands, as Bess does with her hair.
What is "plaiting"?
What happens to Bess at the climax of the poem?
What is she shoots herself/dies to warn the highwayman of danger?
This is the author's attitude toward the subject of a text.
What is tone?
Giving human qualities to non-human things.
What is personification?
Every time Alfred Noyes mentions RED (coat of claret velvet, lanlord's red-lipped daughter, red coat troop came marching) it's an example of this.
What is symbolism?
This person takes care of horses at an inn.
What is an "ostler"?
What group of men come to the inn and capture Bess?
Who are King George's soldiers (or "the redcoats")?
The poet's word choices such as "ghostly," "torrent of darkness," and "a dog on the highway" inform this element of the poem.
What is tone?
The repetition of consonant sounds, especially at the beginning of words.
What is alliteration?
"His face burnt like a brand" - Identify this type of figurative language.
What is a simile?
These are the metal foot supports that hang from a saddle, used by riders to help maintain balance.
What are "stirrups"?
What promise does the highwayman make to Bess before he leaves?
What is he'll "return to her by moonlight", though hell should bar the way"?
The vivid descriptions of colors, sounds, and movements in "The Highwayman" inform this element of the poem.
What is mood?
A reference to a well-known person, place, event, literary work, or work of art.
What is allusion?
"Tlot-tlot, tlot-tlot! Had they heard it? The horse-hoofs ringing clear" - Identify this type of figurative language.
What is onomatopoeia?
This word refers to a window that opens on hinges like a door, through which Bess looks out.
What is "casement"?
The job of the man who told the redcoats of the Highwayman's plans?
What is an ostler?
When the poem describes the soldiers as "red-coat troop," the tone can be described as this.
What is hostile, threatening, or scary?
A phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other.
What is oxymoron?
"Over the cobbles he clattered and clashed in the dark inn-yard" - Identify this type of figurative language.
What is alliteration?
This word describes a fabric that is colored in a deep purplish-red hue and appears in the description of the highwayman's coat.
What is "claret velvet"?