What color are the signs for short distance trails?
White and yellow
What does the base layer of your outfit do?
It keeps you dry and warm, and wicks sweat from your body.
True or false: it is important to have a first aid kit in your backpack
What is considered a short distance trail?
Routes less than 10 km
What does the outer layer of your hiking outfit do?
How many packing zones are there in a backpack?
What is hiking?
Walking through the natural environment.
What is considered a long distance trail?
A trail that is over 50km
What are the best types of shoes to wear when hiking?
Sneakers or boots
What are some important items to carry in your backpack during the summer?
sunscreen, water, snacks, sunglasses, hat
Why is the layering system of clothes useful when hiking?
It keeps you warm and dry in all types of weather
What color are the signs for long distance trails?
Red and white
True or False: it is good to wear 2 socks on a hike
Where do the lightest items in your backpack go?
In the middle front
When do you walk with your body leaning forward?
When going uphill
What is the difference between GR and PR?
GR = Sendero de gran recorrido.
PR = Sendero de pequeño recorrido.
What are the layers used in the layering system for clothes on a hike?
Base layer, mid layer, and outer layer
Where do the heaviest items in your backpack go?
In the middle back
When is it useful to walk in zig zags?
When the mountain is very steep