Who is the president and CEO of BH?
Michael Mayo
What does PASS stand for?
Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep
What are two other names the system SMS goes by?
Wilma, reflection, as400, AR system
Name 5 different Baptist locations (not including Neomorts or JOI.
1. Jacksonville/downtown campus
2. WCH
3. Oakleaf
4. South
5. North
6. Towncenter
7. Beachers
8. Nassau
9. Clay
10. MD Anderson
Who is the Senior Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer?
Phillip Boyce
What does RACE Stand for?
Rescue, Alarm Contain, Evacuate
What is the goal for documents to be viewable in the EMR?
48 hours/ 2 days
What is the Paige's office number?
Who is the vice president of patient care services for Wolfson's children's hospital?
Cicely "CC" Brooks
What is a code Lima?
Loss of utility services
When is a medical record considered delinquent when it lacks documents such as an H&P, operative report, consults, discharge summary or signatures on progress notes?
30 days after discharge
What is the name of the program that prints out the legal record?
Report Request/ Clinical reporting XR template is master report.
Who is the safety officer (executive director of security) here at our facility?
Jay Farhat
What does CARE stand for?
Community Advocacy Respect and stewardship
What are all the required elements in a post op note?
name of person performing procedure
procedure performed
specimens removed
post op dianosis
When was Baptist founded?
Who is the president of Jacksonville Baptist facility?
Nicole Thomas
What is a code silver?
impaired adult missing person
What is the RIMAGE machine?
CD Burner
Name 3 items used in the department that are considered hazardous?
Canned Air, Toner, Symmetry Foaming Hand Sanitizer, Super Sani- Cloths