What is...
What are...

What is mental health

The state of a person's health in regards to their psychological, emotional, relationships and overall well-being.


What are two things that can promote positive mental health?

Exercise, mindfulness, positive friendships, talking about your problems, having an outlet for anger and frustration, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, etc


Name 2 things you do in your daily life that are healthy coping mechanisms 

Multiple Answers


True or False: Mental Health is just as important as physical health in a person's overall well-being.



What is the goal of HiM8? 

To end mental health stigma and raise awareness about mental health. 


What are two examples of negative coping strategies?

procrastinating or avoiding work, excessive screen time, sleeping in/staying up late and missing out on time with friends or family (isolation), over indulgence in food/substances, etc. 


Name three different categories of self-care

Physical (getting outside, exercising, playing a sport)/Emotional (journaling, talking with a friend, making art)/Spiritual (connect with your community, self-reflection)/Social (time with friends and family, engage with social or sport clubs)/Intellectual (read a book you enjoy, watch a film or documentary that interests you)


Mental health stigma causes those who suffer to experience this feeling

Shame, loneliness, many answers


What is a coping skill? (Not an example, a definition of coping and why coping skills are used)

Coping skills are conscious strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions and manage our daily stressors. Coping strategies can be cognitions or behaviors and can be individual or social.


What are things you can do if you notice a friend who needs help but isn't asking for it?

Be a friend, talk with them, tell a trusted adult, try to empathize, provide resources, etc.


Name a resource in school you could go to if you or a friend were struggling with mental health

A teacher, a counselor, a sports coach, multiple correct answers


Having enough of this vitamin, which we can get from the sun, helps with overall mental health, mood, and maintain general health

Vitamin D


What is done to raise awareness about mental health

Sharing our stories, sharing resources, encouraging those around us to talk about their mental well-being and seek support, many correct answers


What are 2 reasons why someone might hesitate to reach out for help with their mental health (or, why might someone not admit they're struggling?)

Stigma: fear of judgment or fear they will not be understood. Unawareness: do not know what resources are available to them or who to reach out to 


Name a resource outside of school that you could go to if you or a friend were struggling with mental health

A trusted adult (family, mentor, etc.), a trusted friend, many correct answers


What is mindfulness? How can it support mental well-being?

Using the 5 senses to be present in the moment, it allows the mind to relax and let go of unhelpful thoughts
