the gluteus maximus and the tensor fascia latte combine to form this
What is IT Band
What is the pelvis?
The rectus femoris action
What is hip flexion and knee extension?
Bringing the leg forward creates this action of the hip
What is hip flexion?
Another name for a hip contusion
What is a hip pointer?
this muscle group extends the hip
What are the hamstrings?
Makes up the socket of the hip joint
What is the acetabulum?
The three structures (femoral artery, femoral nerve, and femoral vein) pass through this muscle
What is the adductor magnus?
Bringing the leg straight back is this action
What is hip extension?
This lesion is the result of overgrowth of the superior neck or head of the femur
What is Cam Lesion?
This muscle helps to extend the knee but it also flexes the hip
What is the rectus femoris?
What is the ball of the hip joint?
What is the femoral head?
The large bump on the superior/lateral part of the femur
Greater Trocanter
opening the gate creates this hip action
What is external rotationof the hip?
Given this history/symptoms, what pathology is it?
-Deep pain in buttock and radiates down posterior thigh
-Pain is worse standing, best supine with flexed knees
-Pain with active ER, passive IR, resisted ER, ABD in sitting
What is piriformis syndrome?
This muscle adducts the hip but it also flexes the knee
What is the gracilis?
What is the Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS)?
The cartilage that helps cushion and provide stability in the hip joint
What is the Hip Labrum?
closing the gate is this hip action
What is internal rotation?
a condition that is rare in sports and more likely to happen in a car accident
What are dislocations of the hip?
This hamstring muscle has two origins
What is biceps femoris?
Name the 3 bones that make up the hip.
What is the Ilium, Ischium, and Pubis?
the typical way a hip dislocated
What is posterior and lateral?
The IT Band muscles help to do this action
What is adbuction?
This can be torn due to impingement of the hip
What is the hip Labrum?