What are the four bones of the ankle?
The tibia, fibula, talus and malleoli.
What should one look for in an ankle assessment?
Gait, deformity, swelling, discoloration, crepitus, swelling, redness
What are some soft tissues you should palpate in an ankle assessment?
Tibiofibular ligaments, calcaneofibular, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, soleus, deltoid ligaments
What test would you preform for a fracture to the tibia/fibula?
Percussion Test
What are the symptoms of a Grade 2 ankle sprain?
feeling of a pop or snap, moderate pain and limping, weight bearing is difficult, tenderness, edema, ecchymosis
What are the bones of the hip?
The femur and pelvic girdle.
What should one look for in an assessment for the hip?
Are both hips symmetrical, skin color, texture, discoloration, swelling, gait
What bones should you palpate in an assessment of the hip?
Femur and pelvic girdle
What does the Empty Can Test test for?
Supraspinatus muscle weakness
What muscles are responsible for flexion of the shoulder?
pectoralis and deltoid
What are the bones of the shoulder?
What should one look for in an assessment of the shoulder in the anterior view?
Shoulder height, bony deformity, are the muscles symmetrical
What are some things you can palpate during a shoulder assessment?
Triceps/Biceps, Pectoralis muscles, AC/SC joint, sternum, scapula, deltoid
What is a positive test for the Hawkins Kennedy Test?
What shape is the medial meniscus in the knee?
What are the bones of the knee?
The femur, tibia, fibula and patella.
What should one look for in an assessment of the knee?
Genu valgum (knock knees), Genu varum (bow-legged), Genu recurvatum (hyperextended)
What soft tissue can you palpate during a knee assessment?
MCL, LCL, hamstring, quads
What does the Thessaly Test preformed on the knee test for?
Meniscal tear
What are muscles bound by in the ankle?
What are the joints of the shoulder?
The SC Joint, AC Joint and glenohumeral joint.
What should one look for in an assessment of the shoulder in the posterior view?
Are both scapulae even and are both scapulae sitting against the thoracic wall
What soft tissue can you palpate in a hip assessment?
Quads, hamstrings, glutes, adductors, abductors
How do you preform the Thompson Test?
Have the patient lay on their stomach with their legs hanging off the table and squeeze the gastrocnemius.
What is the MOI of a hip pointer?
Contusion to illiac crest and surrounding musculature