The hip is this type of joint.
Identify the part in green.
Head of the femur.
Occurs most commonly in distance runners and in the neck of the femur.
Femoral Stress Fracture
"Bench Warmers Bottom"
Ischial Bursitis
What are the steps of the evaluation process (in order)?
Confirmation and Consent
Special Test
Name the anatomical point in green.
Life-threatening injury
Femoral Fracture
Locking, clicking, catching sensations
Labrum Tear
Hip Scour Test test for what?
Labrum Tear
Our body's natural airbags are in place to reduce friction and protect the bones.
Identify the anatomical point in green.
When a piece of bone is torn off with the tendon
Avulsion Fracture
Childhood hip disorder - avascular necrosis of the femoral head
Beth is a 25 year old who plays in a women’s basketball league. For a few weeks, she’s reported pain traveling down her leg. She stated the pain began as a dull ache in her low back, then gradually increased and traveled down the back of her leg. She also reports increased difficulty in running and squatting.
Identify the anatomical point in red.
90% of these injury happen in the posterior direction
Hip Dislocation
Referred pain in lower abdominal and groin region; typically overuse injury in distance runners, wrestlers, and soccer players.
Ostitis Pubis
A 15-year-old high school football player with no history of hip or back pain reported to the sports medicine clinic complaining of left buttock pain. The player stated that he had hurt his hip on the previous day while doing squats in the high school weight room. The athlete had routinely and safely squatted 201.85 kg (445 pounds); however, he had changed his technique on this particular day, such that his right leg was 5.08 cm (2 in) in front of the left, placing more weight on the left lower extremity. As he was coming out of the parallel position (thighs parallel to the floor), the athlete felt a tearing and sharp pain in his left buttock. After this lift, he could neither fully extend his left knee or hip nor bear weight on the left lower extremity.
Avulsion Fracture
What bones make up the hip joint?
Identify the anatomical point in yellow.
A deep bruise to the ridge of the hip bone.
Hip Pointer
Abnormal bone-tissue growth - typically in the quadriceps muscles.
Myositis Ossificans
Johnny is a 7 year old soccer player who is having trouble kicking the ball. He does not remember a specific incident where this problem began. He is having some pain in his knee and groin area. His parents noticed he started to limp about 2 weeks ago. Johnny states the limp is not because of the pain. He does not know why he is limping.